View Full Version : New symtoms for me

02-12-07, 13:48
Afernoon everyone

Went to see my doctor last week cus i was concerned that my neck or glands felt swollen, he carried out an examination of my neck, chest and checked around the area of my thyroid / adams apple, did not look inside my throat, said that everything was ok.

Since then i keep having a feeling that there is something inside my throat or the muscles feel tight, does not feel like a lump and it does not effect me when i eat or drink, i tend to notice it more of a night before i go to sleep.

Have read my other posts of this being a symtom of anxiety, in which case i have never had it before. Do you think i should just except this as anxiety or go back to see my doctor as he did not actually look inside my throat or if there was anything would he have noticed something from the examination, i want to try and not see my doctor as much as i have been.

02-12-07, 14:03
When my anxiety plays up I can't swallow without feeling a tightness in my throat. It sounds like something like that is happening to you. If you're really worried go back but it may ease off over a few days.

02-12-07, 14:03
Hi Jason,

It's your anxiety. I use to get this alot. Believe it or not you are holding your tongue at the top of your mouth. Keep it out to see if this isn't true. I never knew this, until somebody on here told me this. Sure enought thats what I was doing.

celia davies
04-12-07, 10:32
Yeah i always get this to,do u notice that first thing in the mornin you dont have it its only when you start thinking about it! The doctor would of looked in your throat if he thought he needed to
try not to worry,celia xxx