View Full Version : strong perfumes and scents stress me out

12-04-24, 00:18
I'm a teacher. Every once in a while, a student or students will spray themselves with their cheap perfume or cologne -- in class. I always become very panicky and uncomfortable. Today, I had to attend a meeting in a colleague's classroom right after the kids had left. When I walked in there, I could smell something strong, but I didn't realize that it was perfume until my colleague mentioned that her students had "sprayed themselves" before leaving. The smell was strong enough that we moved the meeting to a different room after I had stood there for about 3 minutes. Now, four hours later, I'm still very anxious about having breathed in something toxic. I assume that ALL high school perfumes/colognes are manufactured in countries with no product safety laws.
Every time this happens, I worry that I have damaged my lungs. My question (actually a need for reassurance) is: do I have anything to worry about? To be clear, no one sprayed this stuff directly into my nose. It's just that I'm sensitive to scents, and this room really smelled strong to me.

12-04-24, 02:45
That really is too bad and there should be rules set because some people have asthma or other respiratory issues.

Good luck and I hope this changes in the school system you are working at.

Be Well..
