View Full Version : Panicking - pancreatic cancer fear

16-04-24, 12:33
Two years ago I had a kidney stone that was diagnosed after the pain/vomiting sent me to the ER. I had a CT scan of my abdomen which confirmed this. I remember clearly the doctor coming in after my CT and telling me it was a stone, and not telling me anything else (this is important). I passed the stone and the follow-up ultrasound of my kidneys and bladder were normal.

Last week I had a mammogram, and this morning I had an e-mail telling me the results were in. I logged into the patient portal to see them and it was all clear. Awesome news. But then I noticed that the reports from my previous scans relating to the kidney stone were there, and I got curious because I wanted to see what parts of my body that abdominal CT scan covered. I thought if I looked at it, if any fears came up down the road I could just refer to that for comfort. Stupid, I know.

So the kidney stone was there, but there were also two other findings that were completely new information to me. First there was some sort of "elongation" of the liver. Then, there was a "cystic pancreatic uncinate lesion", with a comment to further evaluate with an MRI. I was never told about this, nor was I told to get an MRI of any kind. The MRI thing was sort of scary, but I saw "cyst" and thought "okay, cysts are common and from what I know benign."

But my curiosity got the better of me and I googled, and I found that although these "cysts" are commonly incidental findings, they're also seen as a risk for concurrent or future pancreatic cancer, and CT scans aren't really capable of determining if they're benign of malignant. There are a couple of different kinds and my scan didn't indicate, probably because it couldn't tell. So now I'm in an absolute panic that I could have had a malignant pancreatic tumor growing for two years.

I'm sort of young for pancreatic cancer (43; I was 41 at the time of the scan) and have no symptoms, at least none that I've noticed, which I guess is good? I don't know when symptoms typically "kick in" and I sure won't be googling that. I'll be calling my doctor as soon as her office opens, but I feel so sick to my stomach right now.

16-04-24, 15:45
It's always horrible to read medical reports when you had no idea there had been findings that hadn't been shared with you. Hopefully you have been able to get in touch with your doctor now to ask about the mention of the MRI.
This is probably no help at all but when my dad had pancreatitis caused by gallstones it was also mentioned in various scan reports before he had his gallbladder removed that he had some 'cysts' but no one at the time thought it was necessary to do anything about them.
I'm sure that if you'd had something sinister for two years you would know about it by now. Definitely don't google in the meantime, and hopefully your doctor will be able to explain and reassure you

16-04-24, 16:13
Thank you! Unfortunately my doctor couldn't see me until May 16, but in the meantime I sent a message to her through the patient portal with a copy of the report (though she can easily access it herself through my record) asking if she thinks it's in need of urgent attention.

I'm trying to focus on the fact that it's been 2 years and at the time it was detected it was sort of big (about 2 cm, which in my limited knowledge seems to be big when it comes to tumors or other growths) but since then I haven't experienced any symptoms, or at least nothing I thought twice about. It just sucks because the pancreatic cancer hole is one I hadn't fallen down yet, and I can't write it off as anxiety because there are no obvious symptoms but there is an abnormal test result

17-04-24, 17:12
So, an update - though I didn't expect to hear from her until tomorrow at the earliest, apparently my primary care doctor checks messages even when she's not in the office and has gotten back to me to say she recommends imaging and bloodwork before my appointment with her on May 16. I was a bit calmer today, but now my guts are all churned up again.

I know this is the smartest thing and it beats having to agonize for the next month (or more) but of course I was kind of hoping she would say "No, it's no big deal!" Obviously she can't say that given the little bit of information in the radiology report but there was that little piece of me that hoped! (Also, I'm already dreading the e-mail I'll get when the results come in and having to restrain myself from opening it...)

17-04-24, 17:51
She’s just covering her bases, but you know that it sounds like.

I think it would be extremely unlikely you’d have cancer, especially that cancer, for two years and just not know. You would definitely know.

It’s awful the original doctor dropped the ball, but it’s good to get it looked at now. I’m sure all is fine, but I understand the fear.

17-04-24, 19:00
My friend had a cyst on this pancreas which took them a while to discover, but trust me: he knew! he was really unwell and had a lot of symptoms. I agree that if it was anything, you would have noticed by now. The pancreas is an organ that makes sure it's noticed, and you would feel it if something's wrong with it

17-04-24, 20:23
My friend had a cyst on this pancreas which took them a while to discover, but trust me: he knew! he was really unwell and had a lot of symptoms. I agree that if it was anything, you would have noticed by now. The pancreas is an organ that makes sure it's noticed, and you would feel it if something's wrong with it

This made me feel better. Thank you so much. I hope your friend is doing well!

17-04-24, 20:26
She’s just covering her bases, but you know that it sounds like.

I think it would be extremely unlikely you’d have cancer, especially that cancer, for two years and just not know. You would definitely know.

It’s awful the original doctor dropped the ball, but it’s good to get it looked at now. I’m sure all is fine, but I understand the fear.

You're right! As much a there is to complain about with the US healthcare system, I'm fortunate that I have her. I do trust her and I'm glad she got on it as quickly as she did. She also knows about my HA and has been incredibly understanding so she may just realize what this is doing and wants to help me get it behind me.

21-04-24, 17:32
So the good news is that my blood work came back normal! Especially my liver/pancreatic numbers, which were the important ones - they’re smack in the middle of the range, even leaning slightly toward the low end rather than the high end. Blood sugar is borderline but down 13 points (or whatever unit of measurement they use) from my last labs in 2022 and I’m sure that has to do with diet, which wasn’t the greatest. The last few months I’ve made a lot of dietary changes for the better, so I expect that to continue going down.

The eh news is that my doctor still wants me to have another CT scan. I know this is smart and that blood doesn’t necessarily tell the whole story but I wish it did!

21-04-24, 22:51
That’s great news. I’m sure they won’t find anything concerning, and it will be good to put your mind at ease, but I understand the stress leading up to it. Do you have to wait long?

21-04-24, 23:46
I hope not. My doctor messaged me Friday evening to let me know she ordered the scan, so tomorrow morning I’m going to call her office to make sure the preauthorization came through. If it did, I’ll call the imaging center right after that. I’ve had other tests there (x-rays, ultrasound, and the mammogram that started this whole ordeal) and they’ve always been able to schedule me pretty quickly.

22-04-24, 01:20
I agree too!! The blood results are a great sign and there would be a symptom two years later. I think your Dr is just doing her due diligence but don’t think you have anything to worry about xo

22-04-24, 15:11
Thank you! The preauthorization hasn't come through yet, so I can't schedule the scan just yet. I just want it over with!

24-04-24, 01:21
I struggled a bit today. I’m still waiting for the preauthorization to come through and so far this week at work has been stressful (I’d be saying the same even if I weren’t dealing with the extra health crap on top of it). I also feel like I’m seeing pancreatic cancer being mentioned more than normal. I know this is because I’m especially attuned to it but every time I see if I feel like I can’t breathe. I might need to stay off social media for awhile.

27-04-24, 17:31
It's been 8 days since my doctor ordered the CT scan but I still haven't received word from my insurance company about the preauthorization, so I haven't been able to schedule it (those in the US may be able to sympathize). I've become acutely aware of every single sensation in my torso, front and back from shoulder to hip. I'm noticing certain mild discomforts when I move a certain way, or random/sporadic mild but stabbing pains, all on the left. Have I always had these and just never paid attention because I wasn't hyperfixated on the area? I have no idea. I'm not 100% sure where I might feel pain due to my pancreas and I've so far resisted temptation to look it up. I'm terrified to go to the bathroom for fear that this time is the time I'll see something to worry about.

I lost four pounds this week. I have been actively trying to lose weight since March 1, and have been using the LoseIt app to track my calories. After the first week, when I dropped 5 lbs of what was probably water weight and inflammation, I've lost an average of 1 lb per week. Some weeks I haven't lost anything. But when I got back on the scale today it was 4 lbs lower than last Saturday. I went back and tracked my daily calorie intake and did notice that since April 16, the day I found out about all this, my calorie intake has been about half/two-thirds what my daily allowance is. I'm still eating but anxiety has affected my appetite, so I've been eating much smaller meals and snacking less. I guess that can explain the higher-than-expected drop. Still, it's just another thing to worry about. What if next week it's 8, or more?

I haven't been able to enjoy anything. I'm a writer and when all this started I was working on a novel with hopes to publish by the end of the year. Now, though, I can't muster the interest in opening up my document and when I do with the intent of forcing myself to try, all I can think is "what's the point?" I was planning to give my bedroom a makeover this summer but again, what's the point? I'm almost at the point where I'm going to delete all social media apps from my phone because every time I open them up I feel like I'm greeted with a post by someone who was just diagnosed with cancer. And I'm 11 seasons into watching Grey's Anatomy after avoiding it for fear of triggers. I was really enjoying it, but now I don't want to continue.

I realize this probably all sounds very melodramatic but I think the waiting is really starting to get to me. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it; my husband has absolutely no concept of even healthy levels of worry, and I think it frustrates him when I express it. My mom and sister would be next on my list, but I don't want to worry them until I know for sure there's something real to worry about so they have no idea about any of this. So you guys get to hear all about it. Thank you and I'm also sorry about that.

27-04-24, 18:34
I honestly believe everything is going to be OK but I completely know what you’re going through. You can adjust your settings on social media so you’re not seeing certain words or content related to topics - you can google how to do this!

It’s also very normal to lose weight when you’re anxious!These tests were over 2 years ago, the only reason you’re losing weight right now is because you’re anxious.

Aa a writer, would it help for you to journal how you’re feeling? I know it helps me to just get things down on paper too.

As for your projects, the best thing to do, is to actually start them. Anxiety will keep throwing all these thoughts at them but you need to challenge them back. Being active and engaged is a good way to start.

I hope you get your appt soon and then can move on from this! xo

29-04-24, 13:29
I honestly believe everything is going to be OK but I completely know what you’re going through. You can adjust your settings on social media so you’re not seeing certain words or content related to topics - you can google how to do this!

It’s also very normal to lose weight when you’re anxious!These tests were over 2 years ago, the only reason you’re losing weight right now is because you’re anxious.

Aa a writer, would it help for you to journal how you’re feeling? I know it helps me to just get things down on paper too.

As for your projects, the best thing to do, is to actually start them. Anxiety will keep throwing all these thoughts at them but you need to challenge them back. Being active and engaged is a good way to start.

I hope you get your appt soon and then can move on from this! xo

Thanks for that :) I vacillate between "of course everything's going to be fine" and "of course there can be no other possible outcome but the absolute worst one" so it's nice to hear an outside perspective!

Thanks for the suggestion re: social media. I did go and add some keywords to block from my feed, and so far it seems to be working!

I could try journaling! It's weird; I've been writing since I was a child but journaling is something I've never been super into. I can see how it would help, though. I did find an HA workbook I apparently bought back in 2021 and seem to have started at the time, but apparently abandoned after that particular episode was over and I "felt better". So I worked through a few chapters of that over the weekend, and the exercises seem like they'll be helpful once I'm in a better frame of mind.

Today I plan to call my insurance company to see if they can give me an update (or even just let me know that the preauthorization process was even initiated by my doctor's office). I'm just so anxious to get all of this over with.

29-04-24, 14:43
I understand - whenever I’m panicking about something it’s the waiting and the in between that is the hardest. I just want to get to the other side, whatever it may be.

It helps me to do something with my hands that my mind doesn’t have to think too much about. Gardening or painting or even cleaning sometimes. I also like to get outside and just listen to nature. I like to watch the bugs or the birds and think about their lives, what their worries must be, and it makes my problems feel a little smaller because we’re all just doing our best to move forward in life. It helps to step away from all of this chaos that modern life has created.

I am also sure everything will be okay, but good to call insurance anyway. They should get into gear.

30-04-24, 16:50
Thanks, Poppy :)

I called my insurance company yesterday and they told me they had no record of my doctor's office calling for preauthorization of my CT scan. I don't necessarily blame my doctor - I think some wires got crossed, probably due to the fact that all of my communication with her was through e-mailing the patient portal. First she said she'd be sending me for an ultrasound, to which I replied "I don't need preauthorization for that but what should I ask for when I schedule?" and she replied with "Abdominal CT scan with contrast". So she may have seen "I don't need preauthorization", not realized she had said "ultrasound" first, and figured I could just go ahead and schedule.

So after I talked to my insurance company I called her office and they were very apologetic. The medical assistant who handles these things wasn't going to be in until today, and they said they would take care of it when she was in. Hoping to hear from them at some point today.

So I've lost more than a week. Originally the plan was to have the scan and discuss it with my doctor at my appointment on May 16, but at this rate, I might not even be able to have it until after that. I almost feel like the universe is doing everything it can to make sure this thing goes undiagnosed :roflmao: (have to laugh or I'll cry...)

03-05-24, 23:30
Thanks, Poppy :)

I called my insurance company yesterday and they told me they had no record of my doctor's office calling for preauthorization of my CT scan. I don't necessarily blame my doctor - I think some wires got crossed, probably due to the fact that all of my communication with her was through e-mailing the patient portal. First she said she'd be sending me for an ultrasound, to which I replied "I don't need preauthorization for that but what should I ask for when I schedule?" and she replied with "Abdominal CT scan with contrast". So she may have seen "I don't need preauthorization", not realized she had said "ultrasound" first, and figured I could just go ahead and schedule.

So after I talked to my insurance company I called her office and they were very apologetic. The medical assistant who handles these things wasn't going to be in until today, and they said they would take care of it when she was in. Hoping to hear from them at some point today.

So I've lost more than a week. Originally the plan was to have the scan and discuss it with my doctor at my appointment on May 16, but at this rate, I might not even be able to have it until after that. I almost feel like the universe is doing everything it can to make sure this thing goes undiagnosed :roflmao: (have to laugh or I'll cry...)

I hope that you hear back at some point. It's worrying having to wait, but at least you will have answers soon.

05-05-24, 21:16
I hope that you hear back at some point. It's worrying having to wait, but at least you will have answers soon.

Thank you 😊

So, good news and bad news. The good news is that my doctor’s office finally contacted my insurance company. The bad news is that my insurance company is refusing to authorize the CT scan without additional notes from my doctor, which she doesn’t have because I haven’t actually seen her - this has all been going through the patient portal’s messaging system. So now I have to wait until May 16, which is when I have my appointment, at which point she’ll either get the information they say they need and they’ll let me get it, or they’ll say no again. If they say no again, the only real option is an ultrasound, which doesn’t require their authorization but also isn’t the best option, visually.

So 12 more days until I’ll know anything at all. I’m getting tired.

12-05-24, 21:05
I had an okay week. I'm working through The Health Anxiety Workbook by Taylor M. Ham and I'm at a part where the "assignment" is to track your anxious thoughts for a week, which I started doing last Sunday, along with their triggers, the emotions they cause, and the intensity/certainty. Earlier in the week I was writing down a lot more thoughts than I was by the end of the week. I wasn't any less anxious about my situation in general, but I felt like it gradually stopped consuming every waking thought. I also found a website that teaches HA coping techniques and learned about reframing my anxious thoughts into less-catastrophic versions.

Last night I went to a graduation party with my sister and some friends and had a good time - I thought very little about what was going on.

Today is Mother's Day in the US. My sister and my dad took my mom out to lunch. No one in my family is aware of what's happening, and I feel like I did a good job not thinking too much about it. I admit there were a few points where I wondered where I would be next Mother's Day, but didn't let it consume me.

When I got home, I spent a little time on social media. I have triggering keywords blocked but unfortunately those videos which don't use certain keywords in their descriptions but still might involve the topics get through. I ended up landing on one of those videos that asks a question and then goes through a slideshow of answers from Reddit. The topic was "crazy things about the human body". I should've scrolled past but I thought it might be just interesting but innocent things. Nope - the third slide started with "pancreatic cancer can grow for years..." I shut the app down before reading the rest of the slide, but the damage was done. Whatever this thing is that was seen on CT has had two years to get bigger, worse, more sinister. I'm feeling physically sick (not "is this a symptom of PC" sick, anxiety sick) and like there's no hope for me.

12-05-24, 21:48
Thinking if you 🌺 - so sorry you are going through all this worry - once you have had the CT scan you will relax as I am sure there is nothing to worry about - but its your HA taking over - keeping doing those HA workbook exercises!

15-05-24, 01:09
Thinking if you 🌺 - so sorry you are going through all this worry - once you have had the CT scan you will relax as I am sure there is nothing to worry about - but its your HA taking over - keeping doing those HA workbook exercises!

Thank you 😊

Was doing all right today, even feeling a little optimistic…until I decided to pass some time scrolling through TikTok and saw a video of a girl who was obviously younger than me, maybe in her mid-20s (I didn’t hang around long enough to make sure) who put in the video caption that she’d had been diagnosed with PC. I immediately scrolled away and didn’t watch any of it, and I definitely haven’t been searching or engaging with those kinds of videos so I’m not sure why the algorithm decided to show it to me, but all that optimism is totally gone now. This is so awful; I don’t know how much more wondering I can take.

16-05-24, 18:51
Not sure if anyone's still paying attention to this :D but I figured I'd update!

I saw my doctor today, finally. She's so great and spent nearly an hour with me (not typical in the US healthcare system, where they try to have you in and out in 15 minutes). We talked about the issue, and she told me a few things that made me feel a lot better.

First, she said that medical professionals are seeing a lot more instances of pancreatic cysts, due to more scans being offered as screening purposes for other issues. Since the instances of pancreatic cancer aren't really going up, this suggests that many people have them and just never know because they aren't getting scans that might uncover them. She shared her own experience of going for a chest scan for a routine heart-related screening which turned up lung and thyroid nodules. After more tests and lots of worrying, both turned out to be of no concern. She told me that while incidental findings are common (which I knew), 99% of them are nothing to worry about. And that if this cyst had been of clinical concern 2 years ago, it would be showing it now.

Then, she assured me that my family history and risk factors, along with the demographic into which I fall (non-Hispanic white woman younger than 50, in case anyone in the same demographic stumbles upon this thread in the future) all work in my favor.

She didn't tell me it was nothing to worry about, which obviously she can't, and she still wants me to get the CT scan, but she was so understanding and sympathetic and reassuring (in a way I think is okay even for HA sufferers) that I came out feeling so much better. And fortunately everything else she checked looked good!

The bad news, unfortunately, is that I came home so excited to share the information with my husband but all he heard was that I felt better before he went off on a tirade about how my health anxiety "drags him down". Never mind that this is the first real episode I've had in 6 years (I've had blips, none of which I told him about or lasted long enough to really get me down) - I had to listen to him go on and on about how annoying he finds it when I have health worries. But god forbid I ever mention the self-diagnosed PTSD he refuses to treat, or the ADHD he seems to think is humorous, or the victim complex he has for reasons I still haven't figured out. So that was deflating. I wish they had a health anxiety version of those pregnant bellies or period cramp stimulators men can wear, so that people who don't know what it's like can feel, just for a few minutes, how horrible it can be.

16-05-24, 19:08
I’m glad you got good news! I’m sure the CT will confirm, hopefully you can get that scheduled soon. It sounds like you’ve got a great doctor - those are hard to come by now!

I’m sorry about your husband, that was uncalled for. I think it’s hard to really know the feeling, but some people just don’t even try or can’t see beyond themselves.

I remember when I first went to the doctor for depression, I had my mom come with me to one of the appointments and when we got out, I had to sit and comfort her because she was crying saying it was “so hard to see her daughter like that.” Which I’m sure it was, but having to push my own pain aside to comfort her at a time that should have been about me was a yucky feeling. I love my mom, but I haven’t told her anything about my mental health since then.

17-05-24, 19:07
Thanks, Poppy! If you lived in southeastern Pennsylvania, I'd recommend my doctor in a second. I dread the day she retires, and I know she's pushing 60, so that day might come sooner than I want it to.

I did hear back from the office today; unfortunately my insurance company still seems disinclined to authorize the CT scan even with the notes. They told me it might be a good idea to get on the phone to them myself and harass them. I don't know what I'm going to do if they keep denying it (they officially haven't yet, but apparently the conversation didn't go well).

I'm sorry you had that experience. It can be really difficult and frustrating trying to get our loved ones to understand what's going on inside our heads. I don't really talk about it with my family either, but my husband lives with me, so I can't hide it from him that well. We did end up talking it out last night and I think he understands that it goes a lot deeper than just "worrying too much". He still doesn't understand what it feels like, but I don't get his PTSD either (though I still wouldn't yell at him for having an episode).

19-05-24, 21:35
This is great news… and i am sure the eventual outcome will be a simple incidental finding. Like your doctor, i also have nodules in my lungs and a cyst in my kidney and liver- all found because of (way!) too much imaging!
Good luck for the scan and please do keep us updated

20-05-24, 11:56
Thanks, Jojo! I hope you're right :)

21-05-24, 23:01
So my insurance company came through and approved the scan. It’s scheduled for Tuesday, a week from today. At that point it’ll have been 6 weeks of constant worrying about this. I’m ready to be done with it!

22-05-24, 19:42
And in one week you will be!

22-05-24, 22:50
And in one week you will be!

23-05-24, 15:19
SO FRUSTRATED. Need to vent.

As I had mentioned, my insurance company was dragging their heels approving my CT scan. The poor lady at my doctor's office had been fighting so hard for me. She was just out for a few days, and before she left gave me the case number and said it probably wouldn't hurt to call and harass them a little myself. So I called on Tuesday, gave them all my identifying info (name, DOB, insurance member ID # - there should've been no doubt who was calling) and when they asked, the case number the doctor's office gave me. The guy I spoke to said the request had been approved as of Monday night and when I said "So I can go ahead and schedule this scan now?" he said "Yes." So I did.

The lady from my doctor's office comes back today and calls me about half an hour ago to tell me they denied it!

So I tell her I spoke to them, they told me the opposite, and I already had the scan scheduled. She asks me which case # I have (which is the one she gave me - I wouldn't have had any way of getting that myself). I give her the first three numbers and she says "That's already totally different from the one here."

Someone is dropping balls. I don't know if it's my insurance, my doctor's office, or what. But now I have this test scheduled for five days from now and no way of knowing who's going to end up paying for it. I certainly can't afford it. The good news is that I have the name of the person at the insurance company I spoke with, the date and time I spoke with him, and assuming they're being truthful about all calls being recorded, proof that I was in fact told I could go ahead and schedule it. My doctor's office thinks the insurance company is mixing up paperwork or something. I don't even know if that's possible; I guess it is. I don't care who's at fault, I just want it straightened out. This has already been such a stressful experience and they're making it so much worse.

That's all. I don't expect any advice or anything; I just needed to get it out somehow. Hope everyone's having a better day!

23-05-24, 21:28
Ugh I’m sorry. Insurance companies are the absolute worst.

Hope you can get it sorted out.

30-05-24, 14:36
It's FINALLY all sorted out, as of this morning. My scan is scheduled for 24 hours from now. Half of me is happy to finally have some forward motion, while the other half of me feels sick about what they might find. Trying to remember that there's no point in worrying until I know there's something to worry about!

30-05-24, 18:30
Good luck!!

31-05-24, 15:24
Good luck!!

Thank you!!!

Scan is done…now we wait.

31-05-24, 16:43
Did they say when you can expect the results?

31-05-24, 17:47
They didn't. I'm guessing they'll have to have the radiologist go over it, maybe compare it to my previous imaging and write up a report, then send that report to my doctor. It'll be uploaded to my patient portal I'm sure (dreading the notification I'll get when that happens) and then my doctor will either call or message me. I'm not sure how long all that will take. If it's good news I want it today; if it's bad, it can wait until after the weekend as far as I'm concerned :roflmao:

The worst part was trying not to wonder why they kept moving the scanner over the same spots, and at one point one of the technicians came out and held my arm a certain way while the other one continued taking pictures. I also know we're not supposed to try and read them, but one of the technicians (the one who was actually performing it) had been so friendly over the multiple phone calls I had with her and even before the scan, and she darted out without a word once it was done but before I left, so of course I'm frantic that she saw something and was afraid her face would give it away...which is dumb; she's probably that nice to everyone and just had another scan to get to.

31-05-24, 18:57
If it helps, I had an abdominal ultrasound and they retook a bunch of the pictures, then kept pausing to measure things and circle/make notes on the image. I was sure they had seen something! But no, apparently it’s just normal to do that.

I admire people who can read ultrasounds and X-rays, it all looks like noise to me.

Glad it’s done, and I’m sure all is well but I hope you are able to get the results soon!

31-05-24, 19:22
If it helps, I had an abdominal ultrasound and they retook a bunch of the pictures, then kept pausing to measure things and circle/make notes on the image. I was sure they had seen something! But no, apparently it’s just normal to do that.

I admire people who can read ultrasounds and X-rays, it all looks like noise to me.

Glad it’s done, and I’m sure all is well but I hope you are able to get the results soon!

Thank you :) :)

31-05-24, 19:43
Just got a notification that the radiology report has already been uploaded to my patient portal. That means it's also been sent to my doctor. Not sure if I should look at it and risk going into a total freakout if it's bad (or if my uneducated self interprets it as bad) or if I should wait for my doctor to reach out to me and tell me what it says. And if I choose to wait, do I have the willpower not to log into my portal before I hear from her...

Then again, if it's good news, I could spare myself the possibility of an entire weekend of worrying...

I know that these portals are great things for normal people but I really hate them.

01-06-24, 06:22
I really think that they would notify you personally if it was bad news? I really think this means it is good news

01-06-24, 12:54
I really think that they would notify you personally if it was bad news? I really think this means it is good news

That’s what I’m hoping! But in my experience (which admittedly is limited in this regard), the radiology report isn’t really intended for the layperson - the language will be clinical, and have information (like measurements and stuff) that’s intended for a doctor to interpret and diagnose or determine next steps. If I look at it, I won’t have a clue what I’m reading, which will tempt me to Google, and then…well, we know where it’s likely to go from there!

I am hoping that the fact that I didn’t hear back from my doctor is because the news IS good, and not because she wanted me to have one last good weekend before springing bad news on me (how melodramatic that sounds). It’s also possible she didn’t even see it yet, since it WAS a Friday afternoon and I know I’m not her only patient and she does other things, like teaching, which keep her occupied elsewhere. So I’m just going to try and enjoy the weekend, and be a normal person who is content to wait for their doctor to pass info along like in the good old days before patient portals existed 😂

03-06-24, 15:56
My doctor just called and gave me the results of the scan. Everything they were able to get pictures of came back either normal/unremarkable!

The cyst is still there, but it's exactly the same size as it was in March 2022 - no growth or any other changes detected. They suggest a follow-up image in a year's time, just to be cautious, but they don't see anything suggesting this is anything sinister. Of course if it does change so will the recommendations, but my doctor seemed confident that we were looking at something benign.

I'm so relieved I'm shaking. This has been a terrible seven weeks. I'm going to give myself a few days to calm down before really digging into addressing my anxiety and tendency to catastrophize, but everyone has been so kind and helpful and patient in helping get me through this that I wanted to make sure I let you all know the outcome. And I hope this thread is helpful to anyone who might find themselves in the same situation!

03-06-24, 16:25
HURRAH!!!!! Best news today xxx