View Full Version : Inflammation markers not part of my bood results?

17-04-24, 17:04
I'm wondering if anyone knows whether inflammation markers are part of every blood test.
I had bloods done last year, and couldn't find anything related to inflammation markers on the blood results.
I had bloods done again this year with a different GP, and she said she was going to ask for a full panel, but again I can't find anything related to inflammation markers when I read the blood results.
Are these not tested for with every full panel? Or do they not put them on the results if all is good?

17-04-24, 21:26
Are you talking about CRP readings?

17-04-24, 21:44
Yes. I thought they were standard with every blood test. But I haven't been able to find anything that says CRP on last year's or this year's blood results

17-04-24, 23:45
No they are not standard - they are requested as extra ones. I know as I have mine tested every 3 months.

18-04-24, 00:36
Oh ok, thank you! I always thought they were standard