View Full Version : Tooth extraction

18-04-24, 07:35
Hi yesterday I had several teeth removed and a denture fitted this morning my face and top lip is very swollen and it has sent me into a panic I’m worried my throat will swell up and I won’t be able to breathe please help
if you can I’m having palpitations too

18-04-24, 10:04
Swelling anywhere on the face is completely normal after a tooth extraction and especially after a large procedure like yours! It would be a bit strange if there wasn't to be honest. I remember my dentist telling me it's literally just part of the healing process. My swelling at the end of last year when I had two teeth out was horrendous but I didn't worry because it was totally normal.

The throat swelling fear and palpitations is just your anxiety going into overdrive. You're absolutely fine.

Rest and take it easy over the coming days.

18-04-24, 13:02
Thankyou I’m trying to stay calm taking it easy and using cold compress this anxiety is hell

18-04-24, 13:19
In 2022 I had one tooth removed, upper right side of my mouth. For a few days, nearly a week I had slight swelling around my cheekbone and my upper lip was swollen too. Keep using the cold compress and take it easy, it took me a couple of days to feel a bit more normal and that was after one tooth was removed!

18-04-24, 13:52
Thankyou with this health anxiety do you sometimes feel that something happens that feels like the last straw ����

18-04-24, 14:00
Thankyou with this health anxiety do you sometimes feel that something happens that feels like the last straw ����

I did previously but I've got a bit better at handling myself when I panic. Try to take your mind off it, I watched a lot of travel videos on Youtube while I was recovering, it helped me keep my mind occupied.

18-04-24, 15:28
My son came to see me and we went for a little walk I’ve been trying to nap as have had very little sleep for the last two days

19-04-24, 07:48
It’s worse this morning wondering if I should go back to the dentist

19-04-24, 12:58
I feel like it’s usually worst the day after so that sounds normal to me. But if you’re panicking, it may be helpful just to give the dentist a call and ask. Hope you feel better soon!

19-04-24, 20:07
Thankyou I went back this morning and they gave me antibiotics I have a cracking black eye now it’s unbelievable ����

19-04-24, 20:30
Ouch! Hopefully the antibiotics will help out, feel better soon.:yesyes:

20-04-24, 19:49
Thankyou I keep waiting for the ride to turn but today there is more swelling and more bruising coming out trying to stay calm x

22-04-24, 07:29
Five days now since the extractions and still feel and look like road kill

22-04-24, 12:13
Five days now since the extractions and still feel and look like road kill

As horrible as it is, that's perfectly normal.

22-04-24, 14:03
I had 3 fillings recently. Was a dreadful time. I thought that was the end of it, but one of the tooth that was filled is in awful pain.

I wish I could have dentures. My teeth look and feel awful. Just to have a beautiful smile and no teeth problems. I've had teeth problems since I was a teenager now middle aged and just fed up of it.

You're doing great. It all sounds normal to me. You may have some dry socket, which is very common, but it heals up eventually.

22-04-24, 20:49
I’ve got to back tomorrow for a check to see how things are going still quite swollen I was the same recently went to a wedding and didn’t smile on any of the photos as I was so ashamed of my teeth hopefully when this all settles down I will be able to smile again

22-04-24, 23:14
Are you doing the salt water rinses? That's helped me when I've had an infection/dry-socket after extraction.

23-04-24, 07:34
Yes I’ve been doing all that followed all the instructions on the sheet the dentist gave me inside seems to be healing well just the outside that’s bad going back this morning for her to check it all out I’m sure I’ll be glad I had it done when I heal but at the moment I wish I hadn’t bothered

23-04-24, 11:32
Yes I’ve been doing all that followed all the instructions on the sheet the dentist gave me inside seems to be healing well just the outside that’s bad going back this morning for her to check it all out I’m sure I’ll be glad I had it done when I heal but at the moment I wish I hadn’t bothered

When it's all healed up you'll be thankful :) I've got to have an extraction, this pain is deep and painful so it means the tooth will have to go. I'll be in your shoes in a week or two.

25-04-24, 07:25
Well feel free to msg if you need too x