View Full Version : Psychiatrist rejected me

26-04-24, 03:10
After seven long years I finally took the courage to go see a psychiatrist. He has a private practice and has good reviews.
After he heard that I still had panic attacks and anxiety on 150 mg of Zoloft and that Paxil also didn't help me much he said that he can't help me and even if it was some medicine that he doesn't know about it.

I am shocked. My previous psychiatrist said something similar.
So if Zoloft and Paxil don't work for me, I am doomed?

I begged him to help me and he coldly rejected me.

I also take Sulpiride but it stopped working.

I really don't know what to do anymore. Am I really such a bad case that can't be helped?

26-04-24, 09:14
Sounds like a typical lazy, can't-be-bothered, jobsworth type.

26-04-24, 12:10
Probably. I chose him because of good reviews and now I am scared again, I don't trust anyone at this point.
I don't know what to do.
He confirmed my worst fears.

26-04-24, 12:17
That doesn't sound like a reputable psychiatrist to me.
As you were already on meds, maybe he was only interested in the fee gain from medication.
I'd look for an alternative.

26-04-24, 13:57
He helped my friend with one antidepressant but obviously when it comes to a little more complicated case he doesn't have the knowledge.
I will try to find someone else. I hope it won't be traumatic like this, I was in complete shock, never heard that a psychiatrist can reject you like that...

26-04-24, 15:08
I am appalled reading this! I agree with others that it sounds like he just wanted money to prescribe you medication, but not treat you.
Would you be better off going to a psychologist, since you're already on medication? They definitely focus more on the mental part of it

26-04-24, 16:53
I am appalled reading this! I agree with others that it sounds like he just wanted money to prescribe you medication, but not treat you.
Would you be better off going to a psychologist, since you're already on medication? They definitely focus more on the mental part of it

Yeah, swinging the lead. Beyond reprehensible!

Trouble is, hardly anyone seems to have the guts to challenge a lot of these lousy quacks.

28-04-24, 02:29
Strangely, I don't feel as anxious and panicky as I were before going to that doctor but it was a huge emotional shock for me and I can't really eat since then, I have to force myself to eat something even though I don't feel so bad like before. It's not my first traumatic experience with psychiatrists but I think it's the biggest surprise for sure.

28-04-24, 10:29
After he heard that I still had panic attacks and anxiety on 150 mg of Zoloft and that Paxil also didn't help me much he said that he can't help me and even if it was some medicine that he doesn't know about it.

I am shocked. My previous psychiatrist said something similar.

<many expletives deleted> :mad: The ignorance of psychiatrists these days is unbelievable.

So if Zoloft and Paxil don't work for me, I am doomed?

...Am I really such a bad case that can't be helped?

No, you're not doomed. For several decades until the arrival of SSRIs/SNRIs the 'gold standard' panic disorder antidepressant was the TCA imipramine (Tofranil). Psychiatrists didn't switch to SSRIs because they are more effective meds, they arguably aren't, but because they were perceived to be safer in overdose which turns out not to be true for all of them.

I've had PD for 37 years and imipramine was my first AD. Worked like a charm. I later tried SSRIs, all of which made me manic, SNRIs which didn't work, or in the case of venlafaxine also induced mania, and the even older MAOI class ADs. The MAOIs were even more effective than imipramine, but dietary restrictions caused problems for me at the time. Modern food processing has pretty much solved that issue, but not many people are still taking MAOIs so continuity of supply could become a problem in the future.

Therefore, imo, imipramine is likely to be your best bet. Also, is therapy an option?

I also take Sulpiride but it stopped working.

Antipsychotics are not good meds for PD.

02-05-24, 21:14
I will suggest that to a doctor. I haven't made an appointment yet, I was processing this rejection. Thank you.

03-05-24, 00:07
I will suggest that to a doctor. I haven't made an appointment yet, I was processing this rejection. Thank you.So sorry to hear this, but don't give up. I've also been told 'we can't your *kind*' I've had to go through many doctors and therapists to finally manage to find a team that "gets" me ... took a long time but VERY much worth it in the end and be glad they showed their true colors in the beginning so you know rather than be strung along by quacks.

I know you'll get through this and don't wait too long to make a new appointment and allow fear to take hold.

Good luck and all the best to you,


04-05-24, 19:57
I am really spiralling. I lost appetite since I went to that doctor, I thought it was just a shock but it's been ten days and I eat once a day. I am so scared that nobody will help me and that I will end up in a hospital, totally drugged. My stomach has been very upset for over a month too and I am worried that I have colon cancer or that's something really wrong with me this time. I have a red circle around a cat bite or scratch too and I am worrying myself sick. It's weekend and weekends are terrible for me, just me and my stupid thoughts. At this point I am convinced that I will end up in a hospital, but I am not sure if it will be for mental health or cancer/something else.

06-05-24, 02:08
I am so scared that nobody will help me and that I will end up in a hospital, totally drugged.

I know nothing about the Croatian health system, but I think an involuntary admission to a hospital for anxiety would be unlikely. That said a few days in a hospital with a psychiatric department to be assessed, have a rest and get you eating again might not be a bad thing.

My stomach has been very upset for over a month too and I am worried that I have colon cancer or that's something really wrong with me this time.

Anxiety and depression can have a significant impact on the gut which has its own mini brain, the enteric nervous system (ENS) that can be even more effected by anxiety than the brain in the head. The ENS can also greatly impact the main brain too.

I have a red circle around a cat bite or scratch too and I am worrying myself sick.

Google: ringworm and compare the images with what you have. If they look the same it is probably a fungal infection which is usually treated with an anti fungal cream. Your pharmacist should be able to confirm the diagnosis and recommend the best cream.

It's weekend and weekends are terrible for me, just me and my stupid thoughts. At this point I am convinced that I will end up in a hospital, but I am not sure if it will be for mental health or cancer/something else.

Keep busy so your mind doesn't have time to scare itself about things which are unlikely to happen.

06-05-24, 10:51
Thank you so much. About hospital, the thing is I have a huge fear of hospitals, I've had one case of two weeks of persisent diarrhea and they wanted me to stay, I had to sign the paper to let me go and take that risk because I was really traumatized. I think it would be worse for me and I know cases when people came thinking they will be there for a short time and they were held for months and I can't allow that because of my unstable job, having a cat etc. I really hope it won't come to that. I hope there will be some meds for me that will work.

I've had a strong anxiety like this many times in my life but every relapse is so hard. I am always somewhat anxious but sometimes it's even harder.

Red circle is gone so I am calmer but gut issues and loss of appetite are still there. I am overweight so that's not a bad thing maybe, I don't know...

07-05-24, 08:44
So sorry to hear this, but don't give up. I've also been told 'we can't your *kind*' I've had to go through many doctors and therapists to finally manage to find a team that "gets" me ... took a long time but VERY much worth it in the end and be glad they showed their true colors in the beginning so you know rather than be strung along by quacks.

Interesting what you're saying about showing 'true colours' Scissel.

While on a different note to the actual subject of this thread (but probably still slightly related in some ways), all of the schools (and the first respite unit) I attended as a kid seemed OK on first visit(s) before starting proper, where all the staff I met seemed lovely, but all the not-so-nice staff who made my life hell were either hidden from my view/earshot, or 'pretended' to be nice and friendly. Ditto for a few of the existing pupils (or clients) who were miraculously on their best behaviour during my initial visit(s), but were actually right little devils by the time I started proper.

Also certain building-related noises, odours, etc, that also went on to distress me intensely at all the schools, respite units, day centres, etc that I have attended during my lifetime seemed to pass unnoticed during my first visit(s).

Going back more on topic, I feel a similar sense of dread about hospitals myself, especially that all-encompassing 'fear of the unknown', where I fear I might end up being misunderstood and inadvertently 'controlled' by certain bossy/power-mad hospital staff members with agendas who revel in all the 'zero tolerance' lark, surgical procedures that might go horribly wrong, etc, etc.