View Full Version : Do you ever get tongue tied?

05-05-24, 20:16
Was wondering if anyone here when in a social situation if you get tongue tied? sometimes I just freeze and sit quietly. I don't go out to pubs etc even when I go shopping and if someone was to speak to me I freeze and often I don't say anything back. My neighbours even ignore me, I am sure that I am odd. Even when younger I was always being called a weirdo. I don't have any friends either, I find it hard to talk to anyone.

06-05-24, 02:35
All the time. Sometimes I find it hard to speak up, but I also have times where my mind is moving faster than my mouth (especially if I’m feeling shy so am speaking quietly) and I’ll trip over my words. I have to take a breath and try again, more slowly. It can be frustrating and sometimes I do feel a little embarrassed by it, but really I don’t think most people give it a second thought.

06-05-24, 05:04
Again, all the time, and I work a very people-focused job. I find that smiling back helps break the ice, and if it happens mid conversation I have a bunch of useful stalling phrases for while my brain and mouth get back in synch. As Poppy says, if the good intent is there I don't think people mind. Besides, everyone's odd in one way or another.

16-05-24, 20:15
Thank you both. It helps to know that I am not alone.

30-06-24, 10:29
All the time. I also mumble and talk fast. People can't understand me and ask me to repeat what I said. Makes me feel awkward but I'm used to it now.