View Full Version : Leukemia Fear

08-05-24, 18:56
Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well! I’m in a little bit of a panic mode and I need some advice. I just recently had a full CBC on 3/25 and I never received a call other then a nurse saying everything is normal other than my Vit C is a little low and my LDL is slightly elevated. Fast forward to this Monday, 5/6 I had to go in for a routine echocardiogram. The doctor walked in after to review the cardio tests and pulled up blood work from 3/25. The red flag was that my platelets is slightly low at 129 (normal range is 150-400). My RBC, WBC, HGB and all other hematology numbers are within normal ranges with the exception of the platelet. My doctor did not seem concerned at all and said for me to come back for a retest until 8/6. I asked if I could test sooner and he insisted that was not necessary and said to wait until 8/6. I’ve been googling nonstop regarding platelets and all I’ve seen is leukemia and blood cancer and I am absolutely terrified. I went to an urgent care yesterday and they took a vile to retest and then I got a call this morning that my vile broke and I need to come back for a redraw. I’m in such a state and I can’t stop thinking negatively. Has anyone else ever experienced this and does this sound concerning?

08-05-24, 22:25

If all of your other blood test results were within normal ranges, I would say please don't worry.

If you had something like blood C, ALL of your results would be abnormal. High white cells, low red cells as well as the low platelets. Do try to have failth in what the doctor said. If he/she is not concerned, that is a good sign. There are other causes of low platelets besides the most serious.

09-05-24, 00:43

If all of your other blood test results were within normal ranges, I would say please don't worry.

If you had something like blood C, ALL of your results would be abnormal. High white cells, low red cells as well as the low platelets. Do try to have failth in what the doctor said. If he/she is not concerned, that is a good sign. There are other causes of low platelets besides the most serious.

Hi Debs,

Thank you for responding to me. I just went back to the urgent care and redid my blood work and the doctor there said for peace of mind she did put an asap order for the results. I should hear back by tomorrow. I’m so nervous and scared I can’t get my mind to focus on positive things. I hope to hear good news tomorrow so I can put this behind me for now.

09-05-24, 02:19
You are very welcome. I totally get how the anxious mind works overtime (I am having a bad bout of it myself right now) but take heart in your original results. There are a whole host of other symptoms that accompany low platelets if it was something more serious. I used to work on a children's haematology unit and their bloods were always abnormal across all blood components.

Hopefully they can get to the bottom of why your platelets have dropped a bit.
All the best of luck.

09-05-24, 21:02
Hi debs,

Just wanted to circle back on here and say thanks again for talking me down. The urgent care called and my platelets came back normal at 336! Definitely much better than the 129 back in March and within the normal range. I was told by the doctor at the urgent care to still keep my appointment on 8/6 with my PCP which I will. For now, I’m going to put this behind me and wait until 8/6 when I see my PCP again.