View Full Version : Please anyone reply - major meltdown - biopsy results

09-05-24, 14:37
Hi Everyone,

On May 3rd I had a biopsy of my right breast. The doctor thought I had a fibroadenoma but 'to cover all bases' wanted to do a biopsy. I have an appointment on May 16th for results.

In the UK we have a system called 'Patients Know Best' attached to your NHS record where the hospital adds test results and they send the patient an email when it has been updated.

Today I got an email saying it had been updated. I looked at it and it said 'Histology dept', the name of the person who entered the information, but the reult was 'not available until June 24th'.

I am now having a major meltdown. I am scared that the result is not there as they want to give the doctor time to tell me in person that I have breast C. I also received a text to remind me of my appointment next week.

I am so terrified. I can't eat, I keep crying, I just don't know how I can manage until next week. I feel like I'm staring down the barrel of a gun.

Please, can anyone relate? Has anyone had any experience of this with UK results?
Thank you x

09-05-24, 14:55
Phone your GPS debs. You can't wait that long and if your GP can't give you an answer, ask him who can. :hugs:

09-05-24, 17:45
Could you call the dr office and say "Hey I got an email that my results are in, could you please let me know what they are"?! I know I have no patience and I usually call if something is bothering me to relieve my fears! Hope this helps somewhat :)

09-05-24, 19:54
Debs, I don't have any answers regarding your situation. Though the two ladies above have said what I was thinking. Please know that you are in my thoughts :hugs: xx

09-05-24, 23:25
Phone your GPS debs. You can't wait that long and if your GP can't give you an answer, ask him who can. :hugs:

Thanks for your reply Carnie. It really means a lot. x

09-05-24, 23:26
Could you call the dr office and say "Hey I got an email that my results are in, could you please let me know what they are"?! I know I have no patience and I usually call if something is bothering me to relieve my fears! Hope this helps somewhat :)

Thanks so much for replying Mariemomma. Thankfully i managed to get some information today x

09-05-24, 23:27
Debs, I don't have any answers regarding your situation. Though the two ladies above have said what I was thinking. Please know that you are in my thoughts :hugs: xx

Thanks so much for your reply, Fishman. It really does help to have such great support as yours and others on the site. x

09-05-24, 23:44
Hi again Everyone,

I thought I would update with what happened today. After my meltdown earlier, my dad phoned the hospital and they said that if anything was serious in the results, my consultation would have been brought forward which calmed me down somewhat. I then got another email early this evening saying that a document from the hospital had been added to my 'Patients Know Best' record. I was very nervous but had a look at it and it was a letter for my personal doctor/GP (they allowed me access too)

It said that the biopsy showed a benign fibroadenoma and that I should be put back into the general breast screening programme every 3 years. Apparently, the doctor had tried to call me but could not reach me (I think my NHS record had not updated my new phone number yet)

I am beyond relieved, but I am so, so grateful for the support that I have gotten from ths forum and all of the kind, lovely people who have replied to me here. I would not have been able to cope without you as I don't really have any friends close to me and I think my family were getting a bit frustrated with my worry.

What this whole experience has taught me is that my anxiety is not as well controlled as I thought. I have been on the same SSRI drug for over 20 years so I am not sure if it is helping me as much now. I have literally been at my wit's end since my first mammogram. My sister said that even someone without an anxiety disorder would be very worried, but I went off the deep end and feel quite embarrassed really.

Secondly, it has taught me how much I really want to live and what is really important in life. It sounds cheesy, but I really understand now what is important and what isn't.

Thirdly, it has taught me that you never know how things can go and the mind sets us up to thinking the worst possible scenario. I hope if anything good can come from my experience for anyone else in a similar situation, it is to show that even when anxiety tells you it will be a bad result, IT CAN end up being a good one.

Thank you so much everyone. xxx:hugs:

09-05-24, 23:47
Your sister is right debs, anyone would be anxious in that situation x

10-05-24, 01:11
Thanks Carnation. Yep, she's right. I guess I just wish my anxious brain didn't steer me to the worst possible outcome every time. I feel so foolish now, but I also am so grateful. Hope you are doing ok Carnie. x

10-05-24, 08:21
Hi Debs, so glad things have turned out good, they usually do but I 100% know how you were feeling, I have reacted that way so many times in the years I’ve had HA and yes you feel so foolish afterwards but it never stops you reaching that way again, does it...You are not on your own, I’m sure loads of people react that way, it’s the anxiety brain that takes over and all different scenarios go through your mind and not good ones, we are our own worst enemies at times.

Logically of course the Dr would have been in touch sooner if he was concerned about anything, now you have calmed down you can see that but not at the time your mind is going at a million miles an hour, logic goes out of the window.

Anyway you are absolutely fine and your dr was right with his diagnosis, you have had a thorough check up and now back on 3 yearly checks, they wouldn’t have advised that if they had any concerns. Put this all behind you now and relax..


10-05-24, 08:32
So glad the news is good!

10-05-24, 10:23
I would have been exactly the same in your position, as YNWA mentions in her post, nothing to be embarrassed about. We've all had times when we've had a meltdown. :hugs:

10-05-24, 19:24
Hi Debs, so glad things have turned out good, they usually do but I 100% know how you were feeling, I have reacted that way so many times in the years I’ve had HA and yes you feel so foolish afterwards but it never stops you reaching that way again, does it...You are not on your own, I’m sure loads of people react that way, it’s the anxiety brain that takes over and all different scenarios go through your mind and not good ones, we are our own worst enemies at times.

Logically of course the Dr would have been in touch sooner if he was concerned about anything, now you have calmed down you can see that but not at the time your mind is going at a million miles an hour, logic goes out of the window.

Anyway you are absolutely fine and your dr was right with his diagnosis, you have had a thorough check up and now back on 3 yearly checks, they wouldn’t have advised that if they had any concerns. Put this all behind you now and relax..


Thaks so much YNWA.

You're so right. Anxiety just robs you of all perspective and you just jump to the bad news. My parents were literally talking sense into me about how long I had had the lump (which was years), but it went in one ear and out of the other. Anxiety really sucks.

Thanks ever so much for your kind words and support :flowers:

10-05-24, 19:26
So glad the news is good!

Thanks so much BlueIris. xx

10-05-24, 19:29
I would have been exactly the same in your position, as YNWA mentions in her post, nothing to be embarrassed about. We've all had times when we've had a meltdown. :hugs:

Thank you Carnation. It really helps to have such great support from you and everyone else here. This is why I love this site. It is like an old friend you can return to in times of distress and there are always lovely people who share your anxieties and can give great advice :hugs:xxx

10-05-24, 20:16
I am just so pleased to hear this Debs!! :bighug1:

10-05-24, 20:49
Fab news Debs and well done on coping the best you could with the problem.:bighug1:

Joey f
12-05-24, 13:13
Hi Debs, I just read through your thread and I'm so so very pleased for you. The relief I felt for you, eventhough we don't know each other made me 😢. Best wishes.
J xx

12-05-24, 15:55
I am just so pleased to hear this Debs!! :bighug1:

Thanks so much Fishman :flowers: The relief was really incredible xx

12-05-24, 15:56
Fab news Debs and well done on coping the best you could with the problem.:bighug1:

Thank so much Nic. :hugs:xx

12-05-24, 16:03
Hi Debs, I just read through your thread and I'm so so very pleased for you. The relief I felt for you, eventhough we don't know each other made me . Best wishes.
J xx

Hi Joey,

Thank you so much, that is so kind of you. I really hope that my experience can help someone else with anxiety in some way.

I was beaten by my anxiety a bit by automatcally jumping to the worst possible outcome, but I do hope that anyone else in the same situation can take heart that a breast lump doesn't always mean something sinister.

I had a few risk factors too. Over 50, never had any children, history of breast lumps, but I had a good outcome after all.

It makes you look at life through new eyes and appreciate what you have, that's for sure.

Best wishes :flowers: