View Full Version : Headache for 8 days so far

09-05-24, 17:43
Hello everyone! Last tuesday we got new carpet... Wednesday I got a headache and it is still there today. I keep trying to blame the fumes from the carpet but realistically I think it wouldve gone away by now. I barely smell the carpet fumes anymore and noone else in the house is experiencing a headache.

My headache is all on the right side, behind my eye, in front of my ear where the jaw meets, and I can feel it in the top/back of my scalp and in my neck. I stretched so much lately thinking it would help and now I think I just made my neck more sore. I usually take 200mg of ibuprofen when I feel a headache and it always works but this time it is not helping whatsoever. I made a virtual visit yesterday and the Dr I seen said it does not sound like anything sinister, just a primary headache..... BUT WHY IS IT NOT GOING AWAY! I have 4 kids and I work from home on a computer... This headache is not causing me to want to sleep or anything like that... like its not AWFUL but its there and now its all I can think about.
My mom has a couple brain aneurysms that we found out about a few years ago and my brain keeps thinking WHAT IF!!!! Or what if a brain tumor.. of course. the most common headache fear for us hypochondriacs lol.

Idk what to do or what to think. Someone help! :)