View Full Version : Is this Normal?

02-12-07, 18:39
Hi Everyone,

Is it normal to have a really good day with Symptoms bearly there, and then wake up the next morning and feel really low with Symptoms back with vengence?

My main worry as probably a lot of peoples is Cancer!!! anything that goes on slightly longer than i think is normal im convinced that what it is; at the moment it's Breast cancer, had an examination at Doctors who said everything seemed fine; but they are just so tender, sometimes it both, sometimes it one more than the other, sometimes it's hardly there like yesterday, i had a friend coming over for the evening and we had a good drink and i finely thought iv'e cracked it and i get up the This morning and it's back again. I know worrying can bring on all sorts of Symptoms, but ive never heard of this; and can thinking and worrying about it make it worse?

Please reply if you can understand and relate to what im feeling or if you have had a similar experience, it would be very much appreciated, as feeling scared and just want some reassurance.

Thanks for reading.

02-12-07, 19:21
hi blueeyes
yes this is very normal. i have good days and bad days with anxiety. one day all the symptoms are gone and then the next day anxiety is back again. as you are recovering you will get more good days then bad. there is a light at the end of the tunnel. hope this helps

02-12-07, 19:23
I know exactly how you are feeling. When i was a little better, few weeks ago, at night before bed i could see a little glimmer of hope and thought i've cracked this. Then the next day would be even more hell!!
Another thing is that when we do something, and we can feel okish doing them, we thing that's that done and dusted, and feel a little better even. Then the next day or even the day after that it comes back with a vengeance and kicks us back in the teeth again.
I know what you are going through and it is horrible, just like everything else that we have to deal with.x

02-12-07, 22:04
hi hi,

this is totally normal. i rather think im in recovery rather then 'ive beat it', because its as you say...you will find you feel almost normal for periods, then you wake up, and bam, feel like your back at the start again.

trust me, your not....i think its because we are retraining our minds, so our body symptoms will soon follow...it just takes time.

ive noticed my good periods now can last almost a whole day!!!!! which is a miracle for me! good luck! and hang in there! your not alone in this:)