View Full Version : Fear of dentist. Extraction needed. Fear I will die.

13-05-24, 17:19
I've the dentist on Friday. I'm in so much pain. I can't sleep, or eat. I get the odd bit of relief from Neurofen.

I've put this appointment off for 2 weeks already because I know it has to come out. When the pain is this bad there's no fixing it so it's a root canal or extraction. Extraction it is.

I'm panicking over the anesthetic. I'm convinced it will kill me.

The dentist is near my old house. Around the corner. It's a strange feeling because when I lived in the area I knew I could get home quickly. I felt safer. But that comfortable feeling has gone. I live miles away.

Just really bummed out and depressed over this. I'll have no teeth at the back on my right side. The recovery takes a long time. It's disruptive to life. Even when this tooth has been extracted, it's only a matter of time before a filling comes out, or I develop issues in another tooth. Chemotherapy ruined the enamel on my teeth.

This sort of tooth pain is dirty. It's a 15/10 on the scale. Feels like there's an air pocket in my tooth. There probably is. It was filled incorrectly, which is why it's ended up the way it has.

14-05-24, 10:04
I've been there wired :hugs:
No, the anesthetic will not kill you and it wears off very quickly. Tell the dentist before he does it of your fear and he will reassure you.
Tooth pain is like hell on earth but did your know eating, the chewing actually gives relief. Cabbage is a natural pain killer too, don't knock it, it worked for me. Tea also. I've been known to place a used warm teabag on the area.
The mouth area heals quickly too.
Can someone go with you to the dentist, it might make your journey and visit a little easier.

14-05-24, 13:32
The local wont kill you. Normal anaesthetic doesn’t work for me at all so I have to be given two shots of what my dentist calls elephant injections. I’ve never had a problem with it. It wears off after a few hours.

What you’ve got to focus on is the fact that the horrible pain you’re in now will have gone. That will be so worth it.

14-05-24, 17:05
Thanks Carnation and Darksky. Pain is so bad I had to call 111 as an emergency today. They've got me in tomorrow at 9.45 at emergency dentist. Friday is too long to wait.

I'm focusing on being out of pain tomorrow. It's truly the worst. Enough to make an adult cry.

14-05-24, 17:14
I did cry wired, like a baby. If it's nerve pain it's horrendous. I truly feel for you :hugs:

14-05-24, 22:57
I did cry wired, like a baby. If it's nerve pain it's horrendous. I truly feel for you :hugs:

After you mentioned nerve pain I remembered I had some pregablin in my meds box. It's done the trick and dulled the pain.

I can't sleep. I have to be up for 6.30 to take my meds, walk dog and get my stuff together. Got to leave for 8 and get there for around 9.

Throughout all this I tried to adopt a stoic mindset. It didn't work. A stoic would say "A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers longer than is necessary". I would say Seneca didn't have toothache.


15-05-24, 07:15
Today is the day. Taxi arrives in an hour. I'm still in so much pain. I woke up multiple times groaning and just in awful pain. I'm glad I'm in pain today, because I'll want that treatment even more.

15-05-24, 09:00
Strangely the pain can detract from the anxiety, it becomes your distraction and as you say, you just want the pain to stop.
Getting a taxi was a good idea and once there you will have some relief.

15-05-24, 16:40
All done. I am now back home.

My ex came with me. She's such a star! While I was having the extraction she could see I was in pain so she told me to squeeze her hand, which oddly helped!

It wasn't an easy ride though.

Turns out the tooth I thought it was, it wasn't. They did an xray and showed me the tooth I thought was in pain is fine. She discovered the pain was from a completely different tooth!

The tooth was a tricky one. It was lodged between 2 other teeth, and the roots extended outwards under the other 2 teeth. Making extraction very hard. The tooth snapped while she tried to pull it out.

There was some talk that I'd have to go to hospital. I did not want this. I did not want to be in any more pain. I wanted it out there and then.

I told her to remove the tooth next to it so she could get it out. That tooth was perfectly fine. A K9. But without removing it I'd have had to have gone to hospital so they can cut the gum open.

She took the tooth, and the bad tooth was extracted easily.

Because I had no adrenaline in the numbing solution it was hard to numb completely. It got to a point she couldn't use anymore. She stopped the procedure and said she's unwilling to proceed while I'm in pain.

I could feel everything. It was like toothache x10.

I was in a dilemma. Do I go through the pain so she can extract, or do I go to hospital? I chose the pain option. I pretended I was no longer in pain and was numb. But I wasn't.

After 45 minutes it was all done. I'm happy that I am no longer in pain anymore. I feel like a huge weight has lifted. That toothache really messed with my life, and my mental health.

But here's what I don't get. How did a completely different tooth make it feel like I had a ball of air in the filling? That's crazy to me. She said something about nerves being attached.

Thank you folks for being supportive. I love you folks <3

15-05-24, 17:31
The nerves in my gum don’t run true according to my dentist. Which is why I have to have the elephant drug.

Reading that sounds like a horror scene but I’m glad it’s all over for you now. Toothache just has to be one of worst pains. Well done hardly seems to cover it but well done anyway.

15-05-24, 17:48
I'm so glad you managed to get through that Wired. It sounds awful but at least it's over now. I have an appt tomorrow morning, a check up but no doubt another lecture.

15-05-24, 18:32
My dog is acting very strange. He keeps trying to lick my face. He doesn't do this any other time. There was blood, so maybe he can smell it?

15-05-24, 18:36
The nerves in my gum don’t run true according to my dentist. Which is why I have to have the elephant drug.

Elephant drug :roflmao:

I almost accepted the adrenaline shot towards the end. The nerve blocker injection isn't nice. I felt that touch the nerve.

I like to get everything out in a post. Helps me to look back at difficult times in life. It wasn't horrific at the time, it was more so "just get this out please I can't have this pain any longer". I've been taking a stoic approach to life recently, so I just told myself "this brief pain will be over in a moment". The alternative was stop the work, with an exposed nerve, taxi to hospital and sit around for god knows how long.

15-05-24, 18:58
I'm so glad you managed to get through that Wired. It sounds awful but at least it's over now. I have an appt tomorrow morning, a check up but no doubt another lecture.

I really dislike those lectures. They tell me I need to brush more, but if I brush more I'd brush away my teeth. I already brush twice a day, floss, use mouthwash. I have no enamel on my teeth from chemo 10 years ago. But they never bother to look at the records and just assume poor hygiene.

I think they're trying to upsell their over priced dental hygiene products :roflmao:

16-05-24, 00:50
My dog is acting very strange. He keeps trying to lick my face. He doesn't do this any other time. There was blood, so maybe he can smell it?

Glad things are better and you did well in a situation that would cause anyone anxiety.

Concerning your dog? Animals can sense when we're in pain or something is amiss. Before I was diagnosed with cancer, when I had symptoms (swollen hard glands), our cat Socrates (RIP) would come up in bed and sniff and snuggle into my neck and had a curiousness about those nodes. And then during and after treatment, he was virtually glued to me. He did the same with my wife when she came home from the hospital after her bought with encephalitis. He even slept on a blanket that she used the entire time she was gone. And recently, both our dog Tasha and out cat Constantine have been glued to wife as she had retinal eye surgery. It was complicated and she has a long road of recovery ahead of her but hopefully all will work out well. But the two of them have been pretty much glued to her. They come to me to play and feed them but they're nearly always within eye shot of her and our cat sleeps curled up on or next to her.

They know :winks:


16-05-24, 10:21
Well done wired :yesyes:

Your visit was very similar to one of mine years ago.
I was almost reliving it, lol. Not that it's funny, it certainly wasn't. Oh my the pain, you explain it well.
And isn't it great when it stops.
It's true that nerve pain can radiate, plue the brain sends pain signals to warn you something needs attention. And as I won't take painkillers I use the natural way of accepting the pain which is horrendous.
All done for you now. You can have some peace now.

16-05-24, 14:53
Glad things are better and you did well in a situation that would cause anyone anxiety.

Concerning your dog? Animals can sense when we're in pain or something is amiss. Before I was diagnosed with cancer, when I had symptoms (swollen hard glands), our cat Socrates (RIP) would come up in bed and sniff and snuggle into my neck and had a curiousness about those nodes. And then during and after treatment, he was virtually glued to me. He did the same with my wife when she came home from the hospital after her bought with encephalitis. He even slept on a blanket that she used the entire time she was gone. And recently, both our dog Tasha and out cat Constantine have been glued to wife as she had retinal eye surgery. It was complicated and she has a long road of recovery ahead of her but hopefully all will work out well. But the two of them have been pretty much glued to her. They come to me to play and feed them but they're nearly always within eye shot of her and our cat sleeps curled up on or next to her.

They know :winks:


That was a lovely read FMP. Thank you for sharing. Dogs and cats appear to have senses we can't fathom. And when you're going through a tough time they help so much. Before I had Loki I was convinced dogs didn't show love, and they didn't have feelings humans attribute to them. How wrong I was. I would find life difficult without Loki.

I hope your wife is doing OK. That sounds like a very scary procedure, far worse than the dentist. It's beautiful to read they're taking care of her.

Oh, before I hit reply there's something related. I choked on some pop the other week and he immediately jumped up whining. A few days later I tested something while he was lay upside down getting a belly rub next to me. I made a choking noise. I kept my eyes closed to see what he'd do. He immediately jumped up, whining, scratching me and licking my face.

At least I know if anything happened to me he'd probably alert the block to a problem.

16-05-24, 15:00
Well done wired :yesyes:

Your visit was very similar to one of mine years ago.
I was almost reliving it, lol. Not that it's funny, it certainly wasn't. Oh my the pain, you explain it well.
And isn't it great when it stops.
It's true that nerve pain can radiate, plue the brain sends pain signals to warn you something needs attention. And as I won't take painkillers I use the natural way of accepting the pain which is horrendous.
All done for you now. You can have some peace now.

It's wonderful when the pain stops. I woke up last night with fantom toothache and then realized there wasn't any toothache :roflmao: You are brave to not take pain killers. I used to be like that, but sometimes the pain is too much to manage.

My friend and my brother both told me they let the nerve die on its own because they were too scared to go dentist. I told them to sort that out because they have very good teeth. Unlike mine.

I've got to get dentures now. I'm ok with that. I'd much rather they took the front teeth too. Missing back teeth can't be seen. My front teeth are still a mess. They will come out eventually anyway, so I'd rather they did it now so I can enjoy the next 10 years of my life with confidence and a nice smile before I hit 50. A lot of life has been wasted because of the consequences of poor teeth. Both mentally, and physically.

16-05-24, 19:13
You were brave wired :yesyes:

19-05-24, 16:42
It's still very painful. In some cases just as bad. There appears to be no infection and I'm taking the antibiotics. It seems more painful after I eat. I don't eat on that side. I think the ingredients in the food (acid, sugar, w/e) is getting in the hole and causing some jip. If feels like I just want to clench my teeth really hard. It's a strange type of pain but hurts non the less.

I stopped taking the cocodimol because they made me sick, and made me feel completely zonked out all the time.

I did my son a roast dinner yesterday. It looked so good, so I ate mash, soft veg, and a bit of chicken. Maybe too soon because it was ever so sore after that.

This sucks :(

And the worst part is, I have to go back for at least 3 fillings. But a tooth on the other side cracked while eating bread so no idea what's going to happen.

Just want it all to be over. I can't catch a break at the minute. If it's not one thing it's another. And all of this is affecting my anxiety so much. Constantly worried if I've got sepsis, or if I've been sick because it's spread to my heart. Now scared to walk the dog incase my body is too weak and it harms me. Why am I thinking so crazy?! I can't stop. Never been in a situation like this alone.

Dentist said my blood is thin too, which has been causing lots of Dr. Google. But I'm not surprised. I've not been able to eat properly since October, and before that was going through the breakup.

19-05-24, 18:32
Glad things are better and you did well in a situation that would cause anyone anxiety.

Concerning your dog? Animals can sense when we're in pain or something is amiss..... They know :winks:


19-05-24, 21:04

Very true. Little bugger loves to act like a wrecking ball on the lead when I'm feeling anxious. Almost makes me forget about the anxiety, like he does it on purpose :roflmao:

19-05-24, 21:06
I think to make your life a little more easier and less painful, you should stick to a soft diet for a while. Until the area has healed and adjusted. And it will.

20-05-24, 15:27
I think to make your life a little more easier and less painful, you should stick to a soft diet for a while. Until the area has healed and adjusted. And it will.

Even eating bread is painful. It's had me in tears again today.

20-05-24, 15:42
Maybe try porridge, yoghurt or mashed potato?

20-05-24, 16:42
That's a good shout Blue. I actually just prepped the potatoes for dinner. Was wondering if fish fingers is pushing it. I've got mushy peas too which should be soft enough. Maybe a tin of oxtail soup for starters :roflmao:

20-05-24, 19:42
I ended up having some fish, cheese and potatoe pie and beans. Even the potatoe caused horrible pain. It's aching right now. But, at least I ate. Must be dry socket because before I ate it was fine. I did a salt rinse.

Horrendous :roflmao:

20-05-24, 21:32
Bread is the worse thing you can eat when like that wired.
It takes a lot of chewing and it's pappy.
Mash potato, eggs, spag bol, yogurt, fish, rice, porridge,..
Also temperature can be an issue, not too hot, not too cold.
It sounds like a gum issue that needs to settle.

21-05-24, 15:42
Bread is the worse thing you can eat when like that wired.
It takes a lot of chewing and it's pappy.
Mash potato, eggs, spag bol, yogurt, fish, rice, porridge,..
Also temperature can be an issue, not too hot, not too cold.
It sounds like a gum issue that needs to settle.

I avoided bread for now. Woke up in pain, but after a paracetamol it went away. I think today is a somewhat better day. I've got loads of oxtail soup so I'll stick to that for a bit.

You're right about hot and cold, that really does affect it. A cup of tea is never a problem thought thankfully.

Hope you're well Carnation. It's a lovely day today. Dull, but just the right temperature. I had some diazepam and took dog for a walk to pick up my meds.

21-05-24, 18:33
It's a nice temperature today.
You might find that certain foods can set it off so stick to things that will gentle to digest.

25-05-24, 12:50
I ended up at the dentist Thursday because the pain was really bad. Lucky I did, I had a raging infection. I'm on antibiotics now and there's no more pain. I can actually eat semi-normal. The holes have covered up now so ate a lasagne and garlic bread. Food was much needed, not eating properly for so long throws everything off.

Just got to go back in 2 weeks for the other fillings. Hopefully they don't degrade in that time and cause me any pain.

25-05-24, 18:13
So glad you went back and have now got antibiotics to sort it. There is normally some pain after extraction but you know deep down when its not right and it’s just too much pain.

Two weeks isn’t too long. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you. Keep your mouth as clean as possible in the meantime.

25-05-24, 18:50
Aww wired, I'm glad you can enjoy some food now.
I started a toothache myself 5 days ago and resulted to a soft food diet, plus the groaning with the pain. It's not nice.

25-05-24, 18:55
So glad you went back and have now got antibiotics to sort it. There is normally some pain after extraction but you know deep down when its not right and it’s just too much pain.

Two weeks isn’t too long. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you. Keep your mouth as clean as possible in the meantime.

Thank you Darksky :)

25-05-24, 18:56
Aww wired, I'm glad you can enjoy some food now.
I started a toothache myself 5 days ago and resulted to a soft food diet, plus the groaning with the pain. It's not nice.

Oh no. Sorry to hear that, it's a bloody nightmare these teeth! Have you got an appointment? 111 can get you in emergency.

25-05-24, 23:29
No wired, I will let it heal naturally.
It's a tooth coming out, I feel it!!! It's causing stress to my gums and sending the teeth around it on edge (that's putting it mildly).
My dentist charges £300+ for extraction.

26-05-24, 16:51
Does your dentist not do NHS work Carnation? I'm sorry you and Wired are going through this, teeth are no laughing matter are they.

29-05-24, 10:39
Ouch Carnation! Sounds a bit similar to my plight. It caused the teeth next to it to hurt like hell. But I think that pain was caused because of the infection.

I finished my antibiotics Monday. Yesterday my stomach was in bits. I'm hoping the antibiotics caused that because I don't need any more health anxiety. It will send me on a big C spiral. Could have been the co-codimol too. I was taking them daily for 2 weeks until Sunday when the pain went away.

I've some pain in completely different teeth when drinking tea, or cold pepsi max. That's not good news.

I've got appointment Friday. I could have had one for tomorrow but my mom or ex is unable to take me until Friday. Can't wait to get it sorted.

The problem with damaged teeth is they will forever need work. Fillings come off. Crowns come out. Root canals go sideways. Even after you've had work done, there's no relief because you know it's only a matter of time before something happens. There are some people (probably even on this forum) who are older than me and have non of the issues I have. Teeth suck!

I need to start eating a softer diet now I'm running low on teeth.

I hope you're ok Carnation. Are you using pain medications?

29-05-24, 10:58
Just paracetamol wired. Didn't touch the pain tbh.
Like you said, it was the one tooth but affected the group of teeth /gums to the side. Felt like nerve pain. The sort of pain that you cradle your face with your hands or brings tears to your eyes. Comes in waves. And eating food is a nightmare, any bits of food that get stuck in that area is extremely uncomfortable.
I tried the old fashioned remedy of a warm salt water wash, went on a soft diet, lots of eggs, lol.
Then I remembered there is a trigger point for stopping pain. It's the base of the big toe, opposite side to the pain side and also the web bit between the thumb and index finger. It actually worked, it stopped the pain.
It's settled down for now. It kicked off after eating cake that had nuts (unknown to me) and something went crunch. I've got ongoing issues with my teeth, a couple of wobbly ones, one with a hole, some have moved position, sounds lovely, doesn't it?
I think your tummy would have been affected by those things wired, and your change of diet along with worry.

29-05-24, 11:00
Lol fishman, no NHS dentist and private want to push implants at a price I could buy a car for.

29-05-24, 11:18
Just paracetamol wired. Didn't touch the pain tbh.
Like you said, it was the one tooth but affected the group of teeth /gums to the side. Felt like nerve pain. The sort of pain that you cradle your face with your hands or brings tears to your eyes. Comes in waves. And eating food is a nightmare, any bits of food that get stuck in that area is extremely uncomfortable.
I tried the old fashioned remedy of a warm salt water wash, went on a soft diet, lots of eggs, lol.
Then I remembered there is a trigger point for stopping pain. It's the base of the big toe, opposite side to the pain side and also the web bit between the thumb and index finger. It actually worked, it stopped the pain.
It's settled down for now. It kicked off after eating cake that had nuts (unknown to me) and something went crunch. I've got ongoing issues with my teeth, a couple of wobbly ones, one with a hole, some have moved position, sounds lovely, doesn't it?
I think your tummy would have been affected by those things wired, and your change of diet along with worry.

I hope you feel better soon Carnation. I had a little success with neurofen. I've never heard of pain trigger points before, so now I'm Googling them. Very interesting!

While suffering this pain I found distractions helped. It begs to question how much of the pain we manifest. But that's how I was, clutching my face in tears on the floor. It made me angry too. I could have happily ran into a wall at the time.

How are you with clove oil? I didn't use it because at the time I couldn't afford to buy meds and clove oil but the pharmacist said it works wonders. There's a gel you can get that contains lidocain (Same stuff they use in numbing at dentist), but it was beyond my budget.

Sending hugs. It's strange we both had similar issues at the same time.


It's impossible for me to register at a dentist since all of them in my area are not accepting new NHS patients. It's been 7 months of me calling the same places over and over again. Yesterday I learned that dentists are struggling to get the staff. The one local to me only runs Wednesday and Thursday because they only have a part time dentist. I asked her "Why can't you employ more dentists?". She said "You find them me, and I'll employ them". Which suggests there's a chronic shortage of dentists.

Upon further research it seems dental surgeons have moved into aesthetics, fillers, botox etc because they make a lot more money.

I have to use the emergency dentist, which was initially setup as a dentist for anxious patients, but now serves as a hub for people who can't register at a dentist. The joke is, this emergency dentist is owned by the same company that own all the dentists in the black country.

29-05-24, 11:23
No way, Mr. Bandal works in the surgery in Coventry. I didn't know bandals had dentists over that way. He owns all the dentists in this area.

29-05-24, 12:18
I should get some clove oil.
When you are in so much pain, cost doesn't come into it. You save money eating less anyway.
I meant to say I stayed clear of anything citrus or fizzy , it just escalated the pain.
There is certainly a shortage of dentists. I know a lot left /retired during the pandemic. It's a disgrace really, that there are people suffering like this. I was almost at the point of pulling the tooth myself. It was only my partner that stopped me from doing so.
I managed my first proper meal in 6 days yesterday and then my stomach was bloated, lol. Always something.
Sending hugs to you too wired :hugs: