View Full Version : A book thats helping me

02-12-07, 18:48
Hi everyone , just wanted to tell you about a book that is helping me at the moment , its called .........

calming your anxious mind , by :Jeffrey Brantley,MD.

Its about how how mindfulness and compassion can free you from anxiety,fear and panic.
I am half way thru it and I believe its one of the best book Ive ever read on the subject because it shows us how to break the habit of unhelpful thinking.


03-12-07, 07:51
Mirry thanks for sharing that hun. xxx

03-12-07, 08:23
I second that!! A great book!! :yesyes:


03-12-07, 09:48
I look it up on Amazon hun thank you.

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-12-07, 12:42
your welcome :D , I have applied the tequniques today with good results, when I went down the town with hubby. Basically I went to have some accupuncture done , and whilst laying there with 20 needles in me :ohmy: on my own I started to panic :lac: , but obviously I couldnt move one inch so I was stuck and suddenly thought " OMG " what am i gonna do.
Then I remembered the book, and started telling myself not to judge the panic and fear and to welcome it with a smile, the thought of being trapped ...is not me, its not mine. its just fear.
Well I tell you , I went from 8/10 panic to 1/10.........I was so pleased :yesyes: that I mastered it .
Then I found everytime I thought about the needles in me, my fear level went up, so I started going thru my head naming all the presents Ive bought everyone for xmas. After that I was fine.

I am going for more accupuncture next week :flowers:

03-12-07, 15:03
Oh Mirry I do like that sort of self talk hun very much, so I have added the book to my basket on Amazon and will buy it with Xmas money.

Piglet :flowers:

03-12-07, 15:14
Thats great Piglet , we will be able to share our progress :yesyes: .

04-12-07, 11:14
Thanks Mirry I will look that up,

Take Care,
Love Pip's X X

04-12-07, 16:29
Sounds great Mirry. I've ordered it through the library. I have so many books that I've bought I now try to 'taste' them before I buy.

04-12-07, 16:48
Hello Mirry,

I ordered it yesterday can't wait for it to get here. Have you used any of the workbooks?? If so which ones, there are so many out there.

05-12-07, 13:07
I have in the past but cant remember which ones :ohmy: .

Now Im getting to the second half of the book , the information gets better and better :yesyes: