View Full Version : Concerning online DNA test

Darren Light 1971
14-05-24, 12:02
I recently submitted my DNA results to online Sequencing.com for analysis. Yes, as someone who suffers from health anxiety, I know I shouldn't have done this.

The original results came from Ancestry.com, when I was researching my family tree.

Within a few hours I had some concerning results. Without being too technical I was high risk for cardiovascular event. Apparently I have a Protein S Deficiency, which makes me susceptible to blood clots as well as other concerning traits... I am panicking... What can I do. If I go to the Dr, he will think I'm mad. I am at my wits end with worry!

Oh and I'm 53, if that makes a difference!

14-05-24, 12:40
First things first, go and get a blood test to find out whether or not this is the case.

Edit: I had a quick squint online and apparently the condition is very treatable with anticoagulants.

Darren Light 1971
14-05-24, 13:21
I'm going to try, but I don't want to go to my GP, because of my health anxiety. He'll just think I'm anxious again and fob me off.

14-05-24, 14:52
I think any reasonable GP would take a look at your results and do what is needed to confirm/deny them. I know it can be hard to go in with HA, but Blue is right and that’s probably your best course of action here.

I don’t know much about human DNA tests or how accurate they are with health stuff, but I do know I ran my dog’s DNA through a really reputable company that also screens for health issues and he had some things pop up, but they tell you very clearly that any results are a jumping off point to talk to a medical professional and NOT an absolute diagnosis or guarantee that the health issue in question is actually present or a real risk. So your doctor may well find that you are totally okay and this actually isn’t a concern for you.

My understanding is that these tests are constantly evolving as they get more data, so while some of the genealogy results are likely very accurate (since that technology has been around for awhile), the other stuff is still improving and can certainly be wrong at times.