View Full Version : Nausea

02-12-07, 19:15

Was just wondering....does anyone else here get terrible nausea when they're having an attack? I don't seem to get any pins and needles or joint pain, but get intense nausea (probably not helped by my phobia of throwing up) and find it very difficult to breath. Does anyone else get this?

02-12-07, 19:21

I use to get bad nausea when i had emetophobia and was having a panic attack. Since i've sort of got over that phobia the nausea when panicking has subsided somewhat.

It's a typical symptom though.

02-12-07, 20:27
Yes I get the knotted stomach and nausea thing , but I've found that the stomach breathing is helping with it at the moment,I haven't quite perfected it while standing but it's getting there.

02-12-07, 21:11
What does the stomach breathing involve?x

02-12-07, 21:18
Hi Kat,

Nausea is one of my biggest symptoms which I'm sure is triggered by my fear of being sick in public. I've tried ginger tablets in the past but find the best method is trying to distract yourself with something. When I had counselling I was told that in my case feeling nauseous is my bodys way of dealing with stress. I've held on to this and try to accept it as much as possible.

Stomach breathing is how you breath normally when feeling calm and your stomach gently rises and falls. It is often the case that when feeling anxious you breath fast and lightly which makes your chest move up and down. Breathing in this way can make you feel lightheaded and dizzy as you're taking in too much oxygen. There are some breathing exercises on the how to cope page which can be found here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=coping).

Take care,

Mike :)

03-12-07, 21:27
Thanks very much for that, I'll start practicing! x