View Full Version : Feeling Quiet Panicky

02-12-07, 19:31
Ive been on off citalopram for a week now things have been going okish but today im feeling really agitated, my chest it thumping, feeling dizzy, Sweating

I absolutely hate it

02-12-07, 20:56

How long have you been on the Citalapram?

They are withdrawal symptoms. You will have to tolerate those nasty symptoms and don't be tempted to go back on the medication if y oudon't really want to.

The trouble with withdrawal from the medication (in my experience) - is that is does mimmick the original condition but worsens it ten fold. Sorry, but I do have to be honest here.

Stick with it and use all the calming techniques you know, drink chamomile tea, get some kalms or whatever else you can find (herbal) to ease the anxiety/agitation. Try not to use alcohol. Keep telling yourself this isn't your anxiety condition but its the withdrawal.

02-12-07, 21:29
Sorry to hear you're struggling Frankie. To be coming off your medication is a really positive step and you'll soon begin to feel better. Take it easy and do some things you find relaxing while waiting for the withdrawal symptoms to pass.

Take care,

Mike :)

02-12-07, 23:40
Positive note I am off them

Printed some info off here so im going to go and read it
