View Full Version : I've been sick for a whole week, congestion, etc anyone else had a cold this long??

23-05-24, 02:17
I've been sick for a week already - normally I'm only sick for 3 days but this so far has been a whole week, it really wiped me out!
The main thing is the coughing phlegm and congestion and just feeling sick - anyone else had a cold this long?!
I'm trying everything but nothing is kicking it! The Dr gave me antibiotics to take just in case and I started taking them but I dont' think they did anything anyway as I'm still sick
I went to Dr two days ago and she said all my airways were clear etc and it will pass - but it's NOT PASSING and it's giving me extreme anxiety ... anyone else had this??

23-05-24, 05:32

23-05-24, 11:18
Hi, first off please consider timezones :) You posted this at 2am for most people, so by 5am no one will have replied yet as we're all asleep.
Second, I'd say most colds last a week. There are colds going around that have people sick for more than 3 weeks. So yes it's absolutely normal to have a cold for a week.

23-05-24, 12:24
Antibiotics for a cold? Colds are viral; antibiotics don't help them.

Colds can last anywhere from 3-10 days on average. I'm someone who can generally kick a cold by day 5 but in September 2021 I had one that lasted nearly two weeks. It was miserable, sure, but it was just a cold. Nothing to do but let it run its course.

18-09-24, 06:04
I know this is old but I had an upper resp infection that lasted 21 days.