View Full Version : Post viral fatigue - hard to cope

26-05-24, 14:50
About 3 weeks ago I had a sick but then last week had sweats at night and felt dizzy etc. over the last week and a half the fatigue has been awful and I feel quite faint. Doctor said it’s post viral fatigue which I had last year too. I also have a lot of stress as well and something coming up Tuesday which I’m worried about. It feels like it’s never going to go. I had acupuncture on Friday and thought it worked but today feel awful again. I am now feeling so low and don’t know what to do which is making me worry even more about work etc. Dr didn’t seem concerned at all and last bloods a month ago were perfect. I just don’t know what to do. Maybe Tuesday will go and less stress will help.

26-05-24, 15:01
Is it the fatigue that causes the faint feeling?

27-05-24, 00:22
Is it the fatigue that causes the faint feeling?

Is it your HA that causes unnecessary worry?


27-05-24, 12:24
Although that doesn’t help, I think this is mostly fatigue due to the virus but it’s getting me down so much. Each day feels like a life time.

30-05-24, 15:17
Im struggling so much! I’ve just got a promotion to a management position but feel like stopping everything at a time when I should be so happy. I still feel odd, not lightheaded as such but just not all there. I just want it to go!

30-05-24, 15:36
I just wanna know if it’s the fatigue causing the feeling! GP isn’t worried but I’m beside myself!

30-05-24, 16:22
I had a thing like this last year but slightly different and not as bad

30-05-24, 19:27
Whatever 'virus' this is right now that many seem to be complaining of, the media have barely made a big deal of it so it can't be mega critically life-threatening.

A far cry from 3-4 years ago when it was non-stop wall-to-wall Covid from them day in day out.

30-05-24, 19:43
Just took a propanol and my heart beat is under 60….wtf

31-05-24, 08:23
No one cares every day is such a struggle why

01-06-24, 13:20
I went to the GP yesterday when I felt a little bit more normal and it was odd. I was there ages, he listened to heart etc and did blood pressure which didn’t lower when standing up. He said he’s not too concerned and didn’t say much else. Said maybe more tests if doesn’t go away in a couple of weeks which has scared me. I just feel tired and woozy and can’t cope anymore

01-06-24, 13:49
What if it’s something serious like a brain (you know what)

01-06-24, 15:41
This placed saved my life years ago but now no one cares….ill
Leave it alone from now and face things on my own

01-06-24, 22:16
Delete my account please

02-06-24, 16:03
Did this start after getting promoted into a management position at work?