View Full Version : Hearing and eyesight

02-12-07, 21:37

I wondered if any of you experience dulled eyesight and hearing?

Sometimes I have to really strain to hear and its like my eyes cant take everyting in too,like theres too much going on(even when there isnt)

Is this to do woth depersonalisation?Sometimes I look at people blankly when they speak as if they are talking another language!I sometimes feel like I cant see or make sense of anything and get confused.My husband says I often have very delayed reactions to things but thats because I feel as if I'm on another planet and its like I cannot recognise people I know :wacko:

Its really scary and I often feel Im gonna pass out.Dr checked my iron and Bp etc and says they are fine(yeah right)
I also feel really dizzy lots
Anyone know what I mean?

H x

02-12-07, 23:51
yes i get the exact same thing but i would have thought its depersonalisation, where sometimes ur mind has a mind of its own and u then have lack of control!
sam x

03-12-07, 08:38
Oh my goodness, thats exactly the same thing i suffer from. You have wrote and explained exactly how i feel. It is really horrible and is the symptom i can't get away from. I have now realised that it is depersonalisation. I constantly feel off balance and am always banging into things, take care sheree

03-12-07, 19:28
I have terrible trouble with my ears much more than with my eyes. Sometimes my eyes are 'funny' and seem as if they are going slower than the rest of me but my ears really freak me out.
The other day i was fine in the car and got out of the car to go in a shop. I went in the shop and walked to the counter and started to speak to the man by the till. All of a sudden both my ears 'shut off' and i went deaf and my head felt as if it was full of pressure, or something was tight round my throat and not letting the blood to my brain, and i could see his mouth moving but couldn't hear him. It felt like i was going to pass out, i was so scared, have had this lots of times before, but it had calmed down recently and this really shocked and disappointed me too, as i had had it come back like this when i thought it had gone away.
I put my head down for a minute until i could feel it coming back and i was ok again.
This is so horrible. I have my bp checked all the time and it is always fine, no problems. I am also 'fuzzy' and 'dizzy' everyday.
I think it is a combination of ears, neck and possibly sinus's with me. Waiting to be referred to ENT again now. I have had a brain test, brain MRI, neck MRI and heart checks and they are all fine. Noone knows what it is or why it is happening.
Do you suffer with the same as me? I have unreality, DP/DR etc a lot too and have had for the past 2 years which of course doesn't help matters. I am unsteady on my feet and i am so dizzy i walk into door and things and it seems like the floor is actually moving at times and it is really scary.
So do any of you get this, or is it just me, lol.?
My ears went funny again earlier on just sitting down minding my own business. I would be much better if this would go as these symptoms and feelings make me anxious and panic, not the other way around.x