View Full Version : Colouring

02-12-07, 23:50
Okay this may sound really wierd but I have found something that seems to help my anxiety at times. It doesnt help when its really bad but when its up I have started to colour. In a regular kids colouring book with pencil crayons!
I tend to be a constant blood pressure and pulse checker and also always pushing on my belly etc to see if it hurts so when I am colouring it actually seems to prevent me from doing these things and keeps my mind quite occupied. I am sure it wouldnt work for everyone but its worth a try!!!

03-12-07, 04:31

I find knitting helps me because it keeps me occupied and it draws my attention away from my symptoms.

I have heard other people say colouring helps them.

shoegal xxx

03-12-07, 08:52

My doctor actually told me to try painting by numbers to relax so sounds like its a genuine medical treatment lol


03-12-07, 09:14
I've heard that doing something creative uses the right side of the brain which helps block panic attacks.Crochet is another favorite.
Best wishes

04-12-07, 02:03
I do colouring and other kids stuff as part of the Inner Child work I do with my therapist. If your hands are busy then your mind is getting less attention and the scarey thoughts bother you less.
I play cards with my family too and I am making my own christmas cards this year (well some of them).

Revisiting the things we enjoyed as children is a great stress reliever.


04-12-07, 14:27
i love to draw and doodle when i have panic, its a good distraction.
and you find you've done something quite nice

04-12-07, 17:02
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
yes Im not the only one:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

I get these colouring books from the garden center usually around the books and gifts section.I love colouring and it keeps you occupied.Im so pleased Im not the only one.I always feel silly telling people.:wacko:

04-12-07, 17:12
Ha ha some more people who love colouring :yesyes: . My 2 yr old niece has a toy box here with, among other things, books and pencils. She loves finding more pictures that the 'fairies' have coloured for her - oh how disillusioned she will be when she eventually finds out it's her Auntie doing them for distraction :blush: !! I also knit and crochet and play cards, anything really that makes me concentrate on something other than how I'm feeling.

Take care

04-12-07, 18:11
this is such a good idea! i like to do creative stuff but sometimes i dont feel very inspired and its difficult to get the motivation to make something when i'm stressed out. I'm going to have to give colouring a go now, cos i can just get on and do it without too much thought! i find painting the house very therapeutic, something about using a brush is very relaxing, maybe thats the same sort of thing?

thanks for the idea! :flowers:
