View Full Version : Can weak feelings really be anxiety

03-12-07, 01:49
Hi, I get waves of a "weak" type feeling in my arms and legs, mostly my arms. I'll just be sitting and all of a sudden I get a wave of weakness. Always scared I'm going to fall over and die. Constantly worrying all the time. Can this weird type feeling be anxiety? Please advise. Thank you!

03-12-07, 03:28
Hi Shelly,
I get weakness in my arms and legs too. Sometimes i have trouble washing my hair in the mornings cos my arms feel so heavy. :hugs:

03-12-07, 10:06
Hi, I think this is anxiety I sometimes think my arms are not going to move but they always do, and the feel numb to. This is scary but not serious:yesyes:

03-12-07, 18:41

Yes this is more than likely Anxiety. i get sudden spells where my body goes weak and i get cold and clammy almost like my blood sugar has dropped.

Ive been tested for everything and it comes back to anxiety. Apparently its my bodys way of dealing with it ie i dont have typical panic attacks i go weak instead its how my body releases the nervous pressure that builds up.

Also i have diazapam as a use only when really necessary drug and it does work if ever i feel like this if i take 4mg then i feel better.

I wouldnt say diazapam or any of these drugs are the anjswer but they do help you convince yourself it is anxiety not a deadly virus or cancer.

If you want to chat more let me know talking about anxiety is the best way to learn about whats happening to your body.

04-12-07, 00:48
It can. Think about it! You're always tense and you are always thinking and worrying (believe it or not, that takes a lot of energy). Also, I don't know if this is your case but many people with anxiety have sleeping problems... is it any wonder you feel weak? Your body is simply trying to relax when it can. That's how I see it, anyway. ^____^ You are just fine.

15-06-09, 17:54
Hi i'm new to this site and i have read your replies which sound interesting. I had a really bad cycle accident when i was in my early twenties which left psychological as well as physical scares for years, it changed my outlook on life. I was as if i was a different person. I was in love at the time of this accident and the after effects made me change, after several months I could not tolerate being with her, it was as if I didn't know her at all, sad eh.

The accident changed my persona, to a degree that i was short tempered, i could not cry, suffered panic attacks and chronic weakness. Going out with someone was a no no. I went to counselling, had various tests even for diabetes, as a bad accident together with the shock can bring on this apparently. The tests all came back negative, I didn't suffer from anything which in a way pleased me but I wish I had then I would have an answer to this weakness I was living with.

anyway years went by and it got to a stage where i could not tolerate it anymore and the doctor put me on prozac - antidepressant. Well it worked a charm. After a month or so I had my old self back. Why wasn't I told this went i had my accident. my weakness went a away for a long time. I was told the weakness might be a form of depression which I found it hard to believe at the time but the prozac worked.

I still get relapses of weakness so I read the threads on this site and I has answered some of questions that the doctors have never told me over the years. How strange that anxiety can make you feel weak and give you no zest for life .


15-06-09, 23:45
It certainly can.

My arms and legs feel like lead at times, I have had all the tests including CT scan, nothing physically wrong just anxiety......... I only have to think about someting slightly stressful and off they go.