View Full Version : Illness and Anxiety

03-12-07, 09:56
Hi :)

I struggle with anxiety within my illness.

When syptoms appear i panic which sets my syptoms off even more plus the added bonus of anxiety.

My illness is unpridictable and hard to control and some days are worse then others so i have the anxiety of not knowing one day to the next :huh:

I panic when im far from home just in case "i become bad" BUT i am aware that i can become worse so i worry about it and the anxiety hits and so i do become worse and end up in a terrible state.

Im so confused and know iv ended up in this circle. I have started a CBT course in anxiety so im hoping that will help.

Do any of you have an illnesses that cause this circle and any tips would be great as its really taking a hold of me and my life :-(

03-12-07, 18:52
What is it that you fear will happen when you're far from home ? What happens when you "become bad" ?

We all have this cycle of fear and panic, and it often helps to put into words what your greatest fears are. When you voice them it opens up the doors to solving them.
Be kind to yourself

03-12-07, 21:34

ive got a few health issues as well, and i can totally understand your situation. i do the exact same thing.....this is actually how my anxiety disorder all started...when i became ill......im now scared of everything, but i know that health is at the root of all these problems....

take care, and know your not alone in this, when your illness does flare up, just keep reminding yourself that you know what it is, and try your best to ignore it and stay calm...hard to do i know, but better then letting it get a hold of us eh?

04-12-07, 14:35
Hi Neptuno :)

I suffer alot of muscular pain which can attack all sorts of areas in the body plus i get awful fatigue/dizzyness. :weep:

My fear is....Itense pain can come on at any second so i can be caught out if im out, no matter how many precautions i take. :shrug:

Plus i hate the dizzyness and it makes my anxiety worse cause if im in town the lights seem brighter, the noise is louder, the people look like there all whizzin by, does my head in! :huh:

Hi Peach

Thank you for your advice, you are right at least i know whats causing my anxiety BUT even though i know what it is it still frightens me :weep:

04-12-07, 14:51
Hi L1SA,

You don't suffer from Fibromyalgia by any chance do you? I have fibro and I get attacks of severe pain that come on without warning. I also get panicky if I get an attack when I'm out because I worry that I won't be able to get home. I've lost all my confidence because of my condition.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

04-12-07, 15:59
Yes :weep: plus costochrondritis which intenses the Fibro pain and the costo has caused me alot of breathin problems which has added to my anxietys.

Glad to meet u :hugs:

I have had FM for 8yrs now and managed it well until the costo came along and now iv totaly lost control of everything, i dont know what i'll be like one min to the next :weep:

The anxietys of these illnesses are ruining my life and i need to get back into gear!

What makes it worse as you will know, is that there is no cure plus not a drug that can help either! (drugs only help minimal fm syptoms)

Im on a Fibro forum which is fantastic and helps me BUT i have come to the conclusion that i am now in this anxiety circle that i need to help to get out of.