View Full Version : scared

03-12-07, 09:58
\hiI have just found out that i am pregnant and i am so scared. I am 38 and already have a 12 year old son, who is the love of my life. I have thought about having a baby but now the reality has hit home i have never felt so frightened and unsure.I have severe anxiety disorder and wonder how i can ever get through this without some form of medication. I take propanolol as needed. I feel completely out of my depth. I never felt this way with my son, or as bad when i miscarried 3 years ago.I think i had a panic attack on friday when i found out, my heart raced all night and i couldnt breathe, I feel like a child. I have so many thngs going through my head, how will i cope with pregnancy, how will i tell my son, i love him so much and feel this will disrupt his little life.I am useless with change. my husband is happy, but annoyed i am reacting this way. I feel so old and useless. Dont know how to feel better. Cant envisage the future. I cannot stop shaking. I have a parents evening tomorrow and cant take propanolol. Dont know how i will deal with it. My whole life has turned upside down in the space of 3 days. Has anyone else been through this or can offer advice. Thanku. Josephine.x

03-12-07, 12:14
Josephine I know what you feel like coz it happened to me at 40 when I was going through the most dreadful anxiety and panic attacks. Each trip to the clinic was hard and I dreaded going into labour coz of panic attacks. I had two girls already one of 12 and one of 9 and I thought my life had turned upside down. I managed to get through everything and had a boy who is now 7 and can only say that I will never regret a moment of what I had to go through to get him, he has changed my life for the better and given me so much more to focus on now the girls have grown up and don't need me so much.

My girls adore him and he has made our family complete.

You will get used to being pregnant again and if you just take everthing as it comes you will be fine, if I can get through it so can you, I was so stressed it was the last thing I thought I could cope with but I did.

Take care of yourself Josephine.


03-12-07, 15:22
Hi Josephine, firstly your not old and your not useless please don't put yourself down this way, You will ,cope you'll be amazed how we can deal with things when we need to. Your new child will bring love with it and your son i'm sure will be over the moon at the news. My daughter had her first child at 38 and I feel she is a better mother than I was. Take care and lookforward to this new baby if you can.:hugs: :flowers:

03-12-07, 19:19
Dear Carol and Lesley,Thanku so much for your replies, i am sitting here sobbing while reading them. Your kind words mean alot to me. I am just so confused right now, but it is so lovely to hear your stories and how things worked out so well. Never felt this scared in my life, i think it is the anxiety , as it is at its worst at the moment. I hope to enjoy christmas and maybe just have a little time to figure out what to do next.Thanku once again, Lots of love, Josephine.x

03-12-07, 19:40
Josephine life has a great way of making things ok in the end and I am sure that everything will be fine for you and your family. If you want to talk at anytime I'm always around. Enjoy your Christmas and then take one day at a time.

Love Carol

celia davies
03-12-07, 19:41
hello there,ive just had a baby hes now six months old ive been having bad pannic attacks for three years and i was so worried when i found out i was pregnant i was so scared that it would effect my baby now hes born an hes so happy an healthy i wouldnt change anythink for the world.Take each day as it comes dont think of the future an your never to old x:yesyes: