View Full Version : Feeling panicky today - advise please

03-12-07, 11:43
I went to Paris for the weekend and came back yesterday. I had a great time and was suprised at how little i panicked, if at all. The only thing was i kept thinking, i couldn't be here without my boyfriend, if i was i would completely freak out.

Then i felt quite anxious last night about work today and being away from him. I had very interrupted slept and dreamt about panicking.

I am at work now and feel sort of in a trance state and detached. I feel quite panicky. Its horrible. I planned to go to the shops in my lunch hour to return some clothes and planned to see a friend tonight. I don't want to let her down as i let her down a week ago.

I don't know if i am panicking because i am on my own today again or because i have made plans or whether i am just feeling detached because i have a cold and just drank some lemsip so feel drosy and that is making me panic.

I am feeling very disheartened because i am wandering whether i will ever get completely better and feel confident again.

Advice much appreciated...

03-12-07, 12:02
wow paris.......how lovely

dont be so hard on yourself, youv'e done wonderful the weekend, stop worrying and relax, we all have bad days....

be proud of yourself, take it day 2 day and dont be so hard on yourself.

if you dont feel to good and have a cold then that wont be helping how u r feeling today

im sending you a big cuddle xxxxxx

a year ago i thought my life was never going to change, but everyday i grow stronger and here i am telling you yours will too.....enjoy the rest of today

love dawny x

03-12-07, 12:35

Great job on paris. You did wonderful.

Yes you will be better, there is light at the end of this tunnel. You can do this, keep going, and don't let it get you down.