View Full Version : Advice for a friend please!

03-12-07, 16:30
Hi Folks,

This may be a rather odd subject to post, but i really would be greatful for any advice you can give me for my friend.

She has 3 children, ages 3, 8 and 14, she is also a single parent and full time student trying to better her life for herself and that of her kids, she does suffer from Depression but she battles on.

The problem is her 14 year old son, in the past 6 months alone, he has shop lifted, stollen cigaretts from her pk, ect ect ect. Now he is skipping school ALOT, she has grounded him for weeks at a time, taken his fav things from him, had meeting with the head and now has him on a attendance card but still he just walks out of school and wanders with his friends till he feels like coming home. NO punishment seems to phase him in any way at all and i was wondering if anyone had gone through anything similar with their kid/kids and if so, did you find a solution.

Any advice would be brilliant.

Thanks for reading

Love Lisa

03-12-07, 17:09
Hello Lisa,

Sorry to hear this about your friend.

I am having loads of problems with Josh at the moment, he hasn't done the shop lifting or school thing, but he doesn't listen to me. Nothing I do or say works. We have tried all the punishments and that only makes things worse. As Bert works away so there for I have to deal with this.

I have found that I won't fight with him, I ask him to do things and either he does them or he doesn't. We have sat him down and told him that school is on him, he knows what he has to do and either he does it or he pays the price for not doing them.

I know as a parent this is a very hard time age wise for them and us. God help us all. I don't really know what to say, except please let your friend know she isn't alone here.
I think this is something they just have to go through and then hopefully they will see what we are talking about.

Good luck to your friend.
Tina xxxx

03-12-07, 17:58
I Sympathise with your friend :hugs: My son is nearly 16 and an angel compared to my 6 year old daughter who is a nightmare :lac: I would agree with Tina and not fight with him and pretend its him thats going to loose out if he doesnt go to school and at the end of the day it is him that will suffer. I bet you a million pounds in 10 years time I will be having the same problems with my 6 year old daughter if her behaviour and attitude is anything to go by at the minute :wacko: Sorry I cant be of any help hun :D xxx

03-12-07, 19:08
hiya lisa :hugs:

if i was his mum i would be trying to be like his frend. i have a brother who is 16 and it sooo dose not work giving him punishment but if i sit and talk to him ect he takes things in more he had a bit of a bad time last year what with one thing and another anyway he loved footy so we got him playing that and a lot more and other sports he liked, it changed his life like stuff were inportant to him agane if you know what i mean .
he never smoked but did drink when he was with frends he dosnt bother now he would rather keep fit so he is good at his footy ect

jodie xxxxxxx

03-12-07, 19:14
Thanks Tina and me darlin Mandy!!

She doesn't fight with him anymore, she used to but got her absolutely nowhere.

Tina, i'm sorry to hear to having a time of it too hun and i hope things improve for you soon.

Mandy, sha'll we shove your 6yr old and me 9yr old off to boot camp before they get any worse? :yesyes:

thanks again gals


03-12-07, 19:18
Thanks Jodie mate,

She really is very friendly with all her kids, especially him as he is the oldest. He can be such a darlin at times. He talks quite openly to me too and admits things that he has done, so i have tried to talk to him like a friend too but alas he goes right back to his usual!!!

awww well onward and upward
