View Full Version : From bad to worse.

03-12-07, 17:11
This past year has gone from bad to worse and i really don't feel like i have enough energy to cope anymore, with anything.

My agoraphobia is the worst it's ever been. Housebound. Panicky and anxious with aches and pains everyday/
My relationship is at breaking point. Forever being put down and told i am useless and lazy. I am exhausted from the abuse.
My health is awful. Hospitalised with my heart problems.
Working Tax credit have sent a letter saying we owe THEM over £1500. I ALWAYS been completely upfront with telling them job change/wage change and whenever i've contacted them they say "Wait for the renewal form", so for example 6 months have gone past without them changing our details. I have contested this!!!!!!
My son's behaviour is deteriorating by the day. Every week i am having to speak to the teacher about him doing this or doing that.
We're financially in the poop.
I bought a laptop yesterday on my mums credit card because i thought mine was broken. Set up the new one, tried the new modem cable in my old one laptop, and it flipping works! PC World won't let me return the new computer.
I have no friends. No one to talk to. Hate keep putting on my mum, even she said i am becoming a bit of a drain.
I can't work at the moment because i feel to ill.
My husband bought brand new scooter in May. After 2 weeks it broke down, he returned it to be mended, we thought they'd fixed it, but 2 weeks ago it died. He couldn't be bothered to have any more dealing with the company so he had to buy a new one. Costing over £2000.
We've got no money for Christmas.
Cooker broke yesterday, can't afford a new one now.
My car is dead because it's never used.

Everything i do, touch or say goes wrong. I am not kidding when i say that. Nothing goes right.

I ordered groceries online Thursday to be delivered on Saturday between 6 - 7pm because i was too panicky to go out. Saturday night at 8pm, still no groceries. I had NOTHING in the house. No milk, no veg, no bread, no butter, no cereal, no tea, nothing. I called them and they said the van had broken down and i wasn't getting it. I was FUMING. I had to collect it on Sunday morning with my mother.

That's just an example...

I feel unable to deal with anything else bad.

AND NOW...7pm MY MICROWAVE JUST PACKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-12-07, 17:23
Sorry to hear your having such a bad time at the mo.Iv been crying all morning,so stressed out with everything.
Everything seems to happen at one.Im sure things will get better for us all soon.
:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

04-12-07, 10:23
Really sorry to hear your going through such a rough time at the moment:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I hope everything improves for you really soon.

Take care,

Anna x

04-12-07, 10:56
just sent ya a private message :hugs:

04-12-07, 11:06
So sorry to hear you are going through such a bad time hun.:hugs:

I hope things improve for you soon. You often find that when one thing goes wrong loads of crap follows afterwards hey. Hopefully things can only get better for you. lets hope so hey!

Take Care,

Love Hugs:hugs: & Positive Vibes to you,

Pip's X X X X

04-12-07, 12:17
hi bluebell

sorry you are feeling so bad but anxiety sufferes or not - everyone has bad patches in their life like this so you are not alone. years ago i split with my ex boyfriend - i had been paying 1/2 his mortgage for 4 years but he kicked me out and i had just lost my job so no money/no home/no job. i also had to rehome my beloved cat as he wouldn;t keep him for me until i got sorted out.

the thing is - its how we react to these things and there are always options. either we feel powerless and become victims or we take action and the latter option will reduce your anxiety - the first will only increase it.

firstly - your relationship sounds like it needs serious attention - would splitting up really be worse than what you are going through now? or if you want to make it work you could try relate. it also sounds like your son is picking up on all the tensions at home and this could be why he is behaving badly as children often don;t know how to express their emotions. once your home life improves and you feel happier - i feel your sons behaviour will improve.

the scooter - obviously the cost of a new one is partly why you have no money and without meaning to sound harsh - sounds like it was laziness on your husband's part to not push the company for a refund. how about selling the scooter and getting a cheaper one or renting one? and how about selling the new laptop - with christmas looming i am sure you will find a buyer no probs. you could also stick a limit on christmas presents. our family now have a spiritual not a commercial christmas and just exchange small gifts - much more exciting seeing how many presents you can buy for £10 per person!

ok - the cooker! we are waiting for a new kitchen to be fitted and are using a microwave and a table top 2 ring hob (1 of our hobs is broken!) and we are managing ok. and we used to get our shopping delivered too and once they came after midnight and woke the whole street up! i now go into town everyday and get what we need for that day - we have found we save a lot of money that way too!

when you are down - everything seems insurmountable but as soon as we start to take responsibility and tackle problems instead of letting them overwhelm us we move forward. i am always worring myself sick about finances but watched a program the other night that followed families that were homeless and living in hostels - they were warming a tin of beans on the radiator all day so they would be hot by tea time. they also had to be out of the hostel all day - they could only return on an evening and this made me realise that my problems were not insurmountable at all and n fact - most of us are very lucky to have what we have but we focus on the bad in our lives at the expense of the good.

sorry to hear about your health problems - that must be a worry but if you are under the care of a good doctor then you can be assured they are looking after you. christmas always feel worse because we think we should be happy - but there are always people worse off - hope you feel better soon.

04-12-07, 14:55
Today is the icing on the cake.

Tax credits sent me the letter i'd been waiting for only to tell me that i in fact owe £2400 and there is no appeal allowed from me. Repayments need to start right away.

This is really the pits.
I don't have ANY money for christmas since the microwave is now knackered. It's my husband, ex partner and my mothers birthday all in the next week.

The hole i am in is getting bigger and bigger by the day.

12-12-07, 11:04
hi bluebell - i don;t mean to be harsh but it sounds like you need a kick up the bum in the nicest possible way to start addressing these problems that are getting you down lol! i am sure your relatives will not expect presents if you have no money - especially an ex partner - and how about the suggestion of selling the laptop etc.

if you go to citizens advice - they will help you sort out your debts and speak to your creditors about repayments etc.

hope you feel better soon. x

12-12-07, 18:43
hi bluebell, so sorry your having such a bad time:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

love sandy xxx

12-12-07, 19:38
Hi Bluebell

So sorry everything is going wrong for you atm. I think when you are suffering from anxiety or depression everything you may cope with seems like a huge mountain.

Did you buy your laptop online - if so the distance selling regs apply and you have a 14 day cooldown period to return it.

Was the scooter under warranty - if so you should follow it up.

It sounds to me as if you are depressed - could you go to the doctors?

I do not know much about tax credits - suggest you speak to the CAB.

Oh and if you are on tax credits see if there is a furniture recycling scheme near you - you can obtain good quality second hand stuff for very reasonable amounts.

PM me if you want

12-12-07, 19:41
Just re-read your post - brand new scooter means it is covered by the Sale of Goods Act - it must be fit for purpose if sold by a business. If you only purchased it in May that falls within that Act and therefore they should fix it.