View Full Version : anxiety/depression

03-12-07, 17:57

I feel really low at the moment. Just been to see CPN who did usual scores on me - both anxiety and depression scores elevated but anxiety one higher.

I have had this condition many times. The CPN said that she would treat me for depression as that is what they did if both anxiety and depression were present. She also talked about my problem being a long term condition. This makes me even more depressed. I only feel depressed over how I feel and then to talk about my situation as being a long term condition gives me no hope at all.

Sorry to vent - just wondered if anyone has both anxiety and depression??? I feel depressed over how awful I feel and worry about this....


03-12-07, 23:32
hi jo, dont worry ur not alone
its a vicious cycle for me too hun... being anxious then being depressed... anxious.. depressed..
this is my first time seeing the CPN, to me she seems a nyc lady, but will 'we' be seeing these CPN's lifelong?
sam x

04-12-07, 01:25
Hello Jo,

Anxiety and depression are like twins - 2 peas in a pod.
Our anxiety makes us depressed.
Feeling depressed is normally an anxiety symptom but anxiety is normally the underlying issue.
The depressed symptoms are quicker to fix which is why anti-depressants are prescribed to lift our mood.
The underlying anxiety can be short or long term depending on what the issues are and how ready and prepared we are to confront those fears that are causing our anxiety. They can't be treated overnight but we can learn how to cope with our fears with the right support when we feel ready to give it a go.:hugs:

Never give up on hope because hope never gives up on you as there IS light at the end of the tunnel when we're ready and prepared to take the journey!:hugs: