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19-02-05, 19:39
i feel weird tnite, ive not got into a tizz though ! my legs feel like jelly! ive self talked, tnite, im doing well, but my legs feel bizarre, im struggling to relax, been playing on the computer, tried to do some work but cant consentrate. this does my head in, i want to chil out!

19-02-05, 19:42

Best thing to do is chill out for a while. Lay down on the bed and do some deep breathing exercises and maybe play some soft music.

If that doesn't work then you can do the opposite and do some running around the house up and down the stairs.

I know you won't feel like it but it may help.

To take your mind off things I clear cupboards out etc and have a good rummage through my wardrobe to clear that out too.

Hope you feel better soon.


19-02-05, 19:52
hi sorry your not feeling too good, i think like nic says try alternative stuff try reading a book or flicking through a magazine i sometimes feel when im not at my best if i just sit here it makes me feel really hyped up and worse try relax maybe listen to music burn some smelly candles im sure it will soon pass

fan x

19-02-05, 20:20
ok got out of it :D but cant help waiting for the next???? thats what brings mine on,it winds me up! who know, that could of been my last ever attack, [:P] if only i could stop my thaughts

19-02-05, 20:24
Hiya Kimmy,

I find changing into some really sloppy comfy clothes helps when I feel like this. I steal my hubbies leggings and sloppy jumper. It feels all cuddly and soft.
Then I curl up on the sofa with a good novel, to take my mind off things.
The kids get sent to their bedroom, poor things. But sometimes you need some peace alone.

Take care

Jude x

19-02-05, 20:26
you say your waiting for the next one......try telling yourself that each one you get will affect you less than the last one

fan x

19-02-05, 21:09
The more you expect to feel bad, the more likely you will. Try to just forget about it.. :D

19-02-05, 21:49
i tend to watch tv or listen to a cd when i feel abit rough, itll get your mind of your legs

btw is this msg a bit late, iv just came back from birmingham!

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

20-02-05, 00:32
I find when people say to me "relax" when I'm panicking, I want to scream because the task seems impossible. But really, when I take the time and effort to concentrate on my breathing, repeating positive thoughts and then working on some distraction (like others have suggested) it does help. The main thing to tell yourself is that you are clearly strong enough to get through each panic attack (they end, right?!) so you're definitely strong enough to make them end altogether. And like people say, don't try and anticipate the next, tell yourself it might not happen, and if it does, you'll deal with it as best you can.

22-02-05, 21:57
I'm exactly the same, I hate it when people just say "Take a deep breath and you'll be fine." Once it's over I think, next time I will know it's just the panic and I'm not going to be sick, but at the time I can't concentrate on positive thoughts like that!
I'm like Jade, music or the TV help me get over panic attacks, I find the noise comforting I think. Or reading something not too heavy, like a funny book or magazine.