View Full Version : painful eyes

celia davies
04-12-07, 11:14
latley its hurting my eyes when i look at lights,television an when i go out the cloulds seem really bright it dosnt accure all the time but it happens very offten is this a sign of stress?:shrug: celia xx

04-12-07, 12:22
Hi Celia,

When I was acute my eyes were very senitive to bright lights, like you, not all the time. For me, this was a sign that my anxiety levels where higher than normal, even now, it still happens, but not that often, this is a sign for me to relax, nice bath, do something FOR ME, have some ME time.

You will find, your not alone on this hun, there are lots of threads on here about bright lights.

When are anxiety levels are higher than normal, (stress) are senses are on allert, mine where all over the place at one point, I could smell more sharper, hear a pin drop at time's, this is because we are on alert. The pupil opens in your eyes and lets in more light.

In time, mine did pass, but as I said, it may still happen from time to time, but at least I know what it is now and can act on destressing myself. Most of the time I can find out what I'm stressing over.

Relaxation cds work for me, a long work, a run around the bloke, a good chat to my sis, a long bath, I try any of those things and sort out in my mind, the things I'm stressing over, look for a more positive way out.

I know its hard for you right now hun, but try not to worry, anxiety has many symptoms and this is one of them.

Hope I've been of some help

You take care


celia davies
04-12-07, 21:31
Thank you so much jill you have been a really big help,hope to speak to you again soon! celia x:flowers: