View Full Version : Can someone help me out here please

04-12-07, 14:09
Hi there,

been having quite a tough time recently with pretty stressful things going on over the last few weeks.
For the last 3 days i have been very dizzy, on & off, had to stop driving home the other day and get fresh air etc, road appeared to move from side to side in front of me:ohmy: I'd forgotton about it today but when having lunch at my friends i nearly fell over (she actually noticed me sway). Now i feel awful and am really starting to stress.
I KNOW dizziness is a common anx symptom but not one i usually suffer from.
Can you just have a bug that makes you dizzy (my son had a sick bug last week)?
I really can do without this at the moment, and i know from experience that if you pay attention to a symptom is tends to stick. I am really hoping its just some sort of bug that will just disappear soon.
Please no one mention going to the docs because that'll make me worse.

anx xx

04-12-07, 14:16
Hi anxious.

sorry to hear your not feeling well. i know that with health anx it can be like your head is caving in. I think that maybe it is stress or could be infact a tiny little bit of a bug. i have just recovered from the flu and i was dizzy before hand. i'm pretty sure its nothing to worry about, would just take it easy.
if your really feeling bad then let the docs know and see if they can help.

but i don't think theres anything to worry about. if you;ve been working and driving and looking after your children it could just be being tired.

hope you feel better. take care xxxx

04-12-07, 14:21
Hi Anx,

Yes this sounds like anxiety to me hun. I get the dizzly feeling also. Try to distract yourself and stay busy.

It could be that you are getting the bug your son had. Just make sure you drink alot.

Hope that you feel better soon.

05-12-07, 12:51
Vicki what are we like hun eh :hugs: I've just posted today also on forum and ended my reply also with please no doctors :wacko: God you would think after all these years we have suffered this horrible illness we would know better by now but we dont we continue to torment ourselves when our thoughts drive us crazy. The dizziness you are suffering is probably because your son had a bug and now you have tended to him when he was ill your mind has went into overdrive hun. I remember when I had my cbt and at that time if anyone mentioned a cancer related illness you could guarantee I would have the symptoms silly mare that I am. You have a big hug from me hun and go and water them there tomatoes.....sorry I forgot their dead already :wacko: xxxxx

05-12-07, 15:58
Hi all

thank you for your replies. I'm still as dizzy as anything today but also feel so rough i'm sure its a bug. So will hopefully go soon.
Mandy, your supposed to water them??? ahhh thats where i went wrong then :winks: :D

love anx xx

06-12-07, 21:15
It can sure be some sort of bug! But you also said some stressful stuff had happened lately, so it might be it... stress! And/or tiredness. Stress, anxiety and tiredness come hand in hand. Hope you get better soon!