View Full Version : My Brain tumor fear

04-12-07, 18:33
Just a note to day that for weeks and weeks now i have been suffering with "head zaps" or sharp shooting pains in the right side of my head. I have tried to avoid going to the doctors since it started but gradually its been getting the better of me as when the pains come on it triggers a panic attack.

Needless to say ive just come back from the doctors (i had a massive panic attack in there while i was waiting) I explained everything to him and he did a few checks on me and he said that it is a form of neuralgia. THANK GOD

I have had neuralgia about 10 years ago which was all over my head and in my face-this is the same thing but it is concentrated in one place. there are 2 nerves-one on the left and one on the right- which runs from the base of your neck all the way up through to the front of your skull. this nerve is basically irritated and over sensetive and this is what is causing the pains.

He said that the obvious fear was a brain tumor and then told me he had already checked for other signs or symptoms of this without my knowing (shining light in my eyes etc) which has put my ming at rest.

He has give me tablets to take 2 a day for a couple of weeks so hopefully this will be the end of it. i wrote this to try to re-assure people who like me were convinced they had/have a brain tumor and hopefully this will give someone else some peace of mind

Lou xxx

04-12-07, 19:24

Well done on getting it checked out mate and i'm glad all is fine and dandy.

Love Lisa

04-12-07, 21:34
Hi Lou,

Glade to hear that you went. Now you can rest assure that you are ok and have no tumors.

05-12-07, 14:03
Hi Lou, glad you are okay, this has reasured me because my doc did the eye thing as well and there was nothing:yesyes: you have just reinfored that for me.
Take care:hugs: