View Full Version : having faith

04-12-07, 23:19
it something that many people i know frown upon, having faith was the last thing on my mind whilst living a busy lifestyle. i think once theres so much going on in ours lives we tend to forget the simplicity of life.
since being out of uni, iv bin going out for walks in the morning, praying, meditating, doing yoga exercises, swimming and keeping up a hobby of something that I'D enjoy each day. it all made me realise how beautiful life was, how precious it is, how time is so precious, how fragile our bodies, and how not to overwhelm ourselves.
im now enjoying each day, taking into account my mum will not get better.. but she is happy and its making me happy that she is not in great suffering or pain all the time.
i cant control anything that happens.. its not up to me.. to me only god controls what will happen and when.. iv been given a great opportunity which i shouldnt waste.
my faith is becoming stronger and it helps decrease my anxiety! i always asked god 'why me' now i say 'with god by my side.. try me!'
oh yeah thankyou also to nomorepanic for the knowledge uv given me
luv sam x

05-12-07, 01:11
Hello sunshine!

Oh how I agree with your views very much!

You know, I was thinking more or less the same thing tonight - during my 'cool down' excercises after 2 hrs of belly dancing!:ohmy: :wacko: :blush:

I am so glad when Tuesday comes , and I can 'shimmie' away all my cares and woes. Not that they disappear or become irrelevant, far from it! - but that I can put them into perspective.

I believe that each and every one of us is so important, and relevant, to everyday life. I have to admit that since i was 'ill' I seem to have a heightened appreciation of all that seemed so simple and un-noticable before.

However, I think that we do have a certain amount of 'control' over things - we have choices. And it is my opinion that the choices we make not only impact upon our own lives - but the lives of others too.

Free-will is a gift - to be used wisely. I believe I have to use that free-will as positively and constructively as depends on me - but in the understanding that I shall make mistakes along the way! (and boy, do I make mistakes!)

I too have learned a lot from nmp - and will be forever grateful for it's impact upon my life!

I actually prayed to god to take my life when I was at my darkest point - I am so glad that he did not choose to answer that prayer in the way I'd hoped he would ! :blush:

Take care

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
