View Full Version : Still terrified of symptoms

05-12-07, 02:39
Hi, I didn't get many replies to my last post so I'll try again. I'm getting this strange sensation in my arms and legs, mostly arms. Hard to explain, maybe a weak type feeling or head rush type of feeling. It comes and goes and I'm terrified that it's something serious. Docs say I'm fine, it's anxiety, but I don't know. I can't shake the thought that it is something life threatening. I'm constantly thinking I'm going to collapse and die. Can anyone else help. I'm beside myself. Thank you.

05-12-07, 05:53
Hi Shelly
I've had all sorts of weird sensations over the last few months. When one goes, another one starts up. I got a tingling/hot flush feeling down the lower part of my left arm and a 'warm' feeling on the left side of my hand. Not unpleasant, just weird and unsettling. I even thought it might be the copper 'anti-arthritis' ring I wear on my little finger - a reaction with the copper or something. (This feeling has gone now)

The most unpleasant symptom was shortness of breath and I was convinced I had heart problems (even though I'm still young). This too was put down to anxiety after I had a full check up. I also went through a nasty period of dizziness/lightheadedness/unsteadiness and thought I was on the verge of death at one point I seemed so weak.

Most of these symptoms come from anxiety apparently and some come from depression (feeling like death, despair etc). When I first got panic attacks over a year ago I was a very happy, busy individual who was definitely notdepressed, but that changed over the following months. Because it took so long to see a CBT therapist, my symptoms got considerably worse in the meantime.

I won't bore you with the entire range of symptoms I've had but I will say it helps talking to other people and finding they have/had the same type of symptoms. Also, getting a check u helps as it is reassuring to rule things out. The weird thing about anxiety/panic attacks are the strange range of seemingly unconnected physical symptoms. At the moment I am getting headaches but it is easier to deal with as headaches feel 'normal'.

The fact that it is 'coming and going' is a classic sign that it's anxiety related in my experience. Hopefully your symptoms will move onto something else soon -if they don't go away altogether -so you will get the helpful evidence that they were just temporary, anxiety symptoms. However, as you suggest, I've also found that it's the physical symptoms that are the most unpleasant side of this condition as they constantly remind you of what you are going through. Once they started to go, I started feeling better and therefore felt less anxious.

All the best in your recovery

05-12-07, 15:12

bless you, i've not been suffering with anxiety for very long and my symptoms came very suddenly without apparent cause.
I've not had the tingling down the arms, but have at times felt that my arms have been weak.

I experienced numbess and hotness down the right side of my face and was so convinced that with the bouts of unsteadiness and weird sensations and pressure in my head that i was dying of a brain tumor.

I'm trying self talk, telling myself what is happening physiologically when i start to feel crap, and it seems to be working as my symptoms disappear soon after without developing further. I still fret that i have a life threatening illness every day though, so really just living life day to day.

try not to be scared of your symptoms, i used to be terrified when i got mine and found that this only made them worse. Since practising self talk my unsteadiness has gone, and since talking through ,my fears and symptoms with friends and family i find i am coping better.

its still not nice feeling crap every day though, even if its not all day, its still every day but i am working towards getting better. I hope you feel better soon too, but again, don't worry when you experience the symptoms, tell yourself its the adrenaline desensatising your limbs etc and see if it works for you!

Take care and best of luck beating this...you're not alone


05-12-07, 15:42
I tend to get weak feelings (arm and leg) mostly down my left hand side. I also get loads of other aches and pains all the time.

I think they are symptoms of anxiety. My counsellor tells me that people who suffer from anxiety/panic attacks tend to become very sensitised to their bodies, therefore your body picks up on any small sensation and magnifies it. That then sets off a panic attack.