View Full Version : Can anybody help me regarding SORE THROAT / UVULA?

05-12-07, 08:28
Hi all,

Since 8th November, I have been suffering with a throat infection, which I'm currently on my 2nd course of penicillin.

The throat infection, also causes the UVULA to swell on and off.

It does not hurt when I swallow but feels hot and sore throughout the day.

I have seen a docor, who has told me that it is not cancer and it is a throat infection.

My anxiety is getting higher because it appears to not be clearin up and take this morning for example, on awaking the UVULA has swollen again and when I lean forward etc, it touches my tongue, which makes me feel sick and a choking sensation.

Can anybody help calm my thoughts down as it is hard when your alone throughout the night.


05-12-07, 14:32
Hi Red, my son had something similar and ended uo having a large injection of penicilin because the original course didn't work, Don't worry you may just need to change to a different type of drug there are many types of penicilin. Go back to the docs if your getting no better and get them to change it.Look after yourself.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

06-12-07, 10:01
Hi Red, my son had something similar and ended uo having a large injection of penicilin because the original course didn't work, Don't worry you may just need to change to a different type of drug there are many types of penicilin. Go back to the docs if your getting no better and get them to change it.Look after yourself.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I'm getting worried as I have nearly finished my second course of penicillin and still suffering. Throat looks red still, mouth feels hot and sore and the uvula still swells at times. It does not hurt when I swallow, which I would of expected it to of.

I'm confused if anxiety is making it worse.

I have seen two doctors who told me to ignore the thought of cancer but it is not easy when it is always sore. He did saud a sore throat could last for weeks but other people where I work only appear to have their sort throat for about a week.

I have been to see doctor twice and I'm wondering if I should go again but I'm worried they will refere me to hosptial for tests etc.



06-12-07, 11:27
My daughter has had something very similar and has been on anti bio for a month......It turns out she has Glandular Fever! Im not sure if it only affects teenagers, so may be worth seeking further advice
All the best Matti x

06-12-07, 16:07
Hi Red, don't google believe me you'll feel worse ,sore throats can last for ages, please don't think of cancer as you have not got that.:hugs: :hugs:

07-12-07, 11:22

I decided to go back to the doctors today because the course of penicillin appears to have not worked.

He has now put me on something called CEFALEXIN 250MG for a week.

I asked him, is the throat anxiety related and he said no, it is definitely a throat infection and again, he told me there is no signs to worry him.

I then asked him, what would happen if these antibiotics do not work, which he replied another course of something up his sleeve then ENT surgeon to take a look?

I WISH I NEVER ASKED HIM NOW and I guess these new antibiotics will not work as I have been on two courses already?

Been up all night with worry, asking myself is it something serious from the chest upwards etc, is it my tonsills, will it ever go etc.?


08-12-07, 18:56
Hello friends,

Does anybody know how long I will have to take CEFALEXIN for until I know if it is working or not?

I have taken three so far (morning, dinner and teatime) and throat is still red, sore and feels hot and this afternoon, my right ear has started feeling hot.

As you can tell, my anxiety is very high (been doing well for weeks as well).

It all started on the 8th of November, I was helping a friend move house and I bumped the van, nothing major but as ther day was going on, I got stressed over it and that is when my throat became sore and I could not swallow.

Since then, it went normal and I could swallow but it flared up again a week later without the swallowing problem, just the swelling of the UVULA, red and sore.

I'm very worried I have something serious and that I will be poorly over the festive season because this is my thrid course of antibiotics and no improvement.

This has taken my anxiety up another level and knowing that I will be refered to see an ENT specialist if they don't work has put a nother level of worry to my anxiery.

Not sure what to do or where to turn.


13-02-09, 17:35
Do an internet search on "Chronic Sore Throat / Mood Virus"

14-02-09, 16:50

I dont know if you will find this reassuring but back in December, just before christmas, i was given antibiotics which i reacted badly to. A couple weeks later I was given another course of antibiotics. Since then I have had a weird sensation in the back of my throat, not painful but uncomfortable, like there was something crawling at the back. I saw the doc twice and she said it was nothing. A couple weeks back I saw a different doc and he said it was tonsillitis and would clear by itself. It didnt. I had no signs of tonsillitis and after speaking to other docs at NHS Direct and a pharmacist, they said it was in fact a yeast infection in my mouth. I have been taking meds for it for a week now but it look and feels no different, and to be honest Im unsure as to whether it is tonsillitis with no symptoms, a yeast infection that wont clear or a bacterial infection that the doc wont acknowledge, so Ive been linda left to fend for myself. I know its not the same as you, but Ive now been struggling with it for 6-7 weeks with no real progress, so you are by no means alone. I have severe health anxiety and keep getting it in my head it is some kind of cancer, even though from speaking to the doc on the phone just this morning, he tells me oral cancer is very rare and there is about a 0.5% chance of me having it, I am still freaking. I'm thinking some things just take some time to treat. Please ber in mind, antibiotics kill the bacteria in your mouth/throat and also, in doing so, kill the good bacteria, which can also cause thrush, which looks very similar to a bacterial infection. If you are still on these medications, I would highly recommend you take a very good multivitamin (from say Holland & Barrett) with high iron levels to deplete what you are losing through antibiotics, and also eat lots of natural live yoghurt as it eats bacteria, as does garlic raw.... or a garlic supplement would be as good. I only suggest this as antibiotics were the cause of my throat and mouth problems. Also, I cannot express enough how important it is you are careful with what you are using for oral hygeine. Istupidly tried to clear what the doctor stupidly assumed was tonsillitis by using Listerine Mouthwash.... chemicals in mouthwash can turn your mouth into a breeding ground if there is already a problem. Lastly I would check that all the products you use eg toothpaste and mouthwash DO NOT contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. SLS is a hardcore cleaner, often used on industrial machinery. It is used in a lot of products. If you have a sensitivity to it, it can cause hell in your mouth and throat, like it did with me. If medicines dont clear the prob, try to make sure you are eating healthy. Avoid sugar, as this can feed a yeast infection should it turn out to be that. If you want to find mouth friendly products, check out www.cosmeticsafety.org and look for the products that are least likely to cause oral problems. It may not solve the problem, but atleast you know it wont be causing it. Let me know how you get on, and Ill keep you informed on my progress too. Naomi xx

14-02-09, 17:01
Whenever i have taken antibiotics.They have given me a sore throat ! I have found salt water gargle to be 100% effective.

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