View Full Version : Advice Please

05-12-07, 09:09
Hello lovely people :) Last night I had a terrible time convincing myself I wasn't going to have a heart attack. Mainly my health anxiety is cancer worries and I dont have panic attacks as such or worry much about my heart. Even today still my chest feels as if someone has parked a truck load of bricks and left them there its so tight and heavy is this normal??? My IBS is bad at the mo which isnt helping. I have numbness and tingling in my left arm and hand and pains all around my back from the top to the bottom (maybe my IBS?) I am so terrified of doctors,tests and results I think I'd rather die than ring my doc. So I would like advice please :) Thanks a million xxx

05-12-07, 09:19
Oh mandy

poor you .
it sounds like ibs to me and stress which we all know makes ibs worse wrong time of year for most of us with stress.I am sure you are not having a heart attack any how you cant i need you lol
hope you are feeling better soon love

Pink Panic
05-12-07, 09:20
Hi Mandy,

I think you prob know that your thoughts are making you anxious and this is setting off these panic symptoms making you feel worse and so the vicious circle goes on.
I'm not fond of the Doc either but perhaps you could bear to see him if only to give you reassurance that these symptoms aren't anything to be worried about hun :hugs:

Hope you feel better soon.

Love & Hugs

05-12-07, 09:22
Hi Manmoor,

Your symptoms sound like what many of us here have been experiencing with our panic attacks so you are certainly not alone. Check the links on the left hand side to see the sort of symptoms that accompany a typical anxiety attack. I would also advise that you go and see your local doctor and get a check up with particular emphasis on your heart. I totally understand the fear that comes with going to the doctor but it will also provide you with peace of mind when you can get information straight from the horses mouth.

When it comes to anxiety attacks knowledge equals power, the more you know about these attacks the better feeling you can get about your current state of health then the better you can deal with any "symptoms" you feel you might be getting.

Of course there are far more qualified people to talk about this than myself (my attacks only started in the last 2-3 months) but that has been my experience with it so far.

Keep positive and stick at it, it will get better!

Peace and happiness to you all.

05-12-07, 09:26
Hi Mandy,

Could it be a trapped nerve or a nerve problem? The tingling and numbness in your arm could suggest this as well as the pain in your back and chest. I've had an ache in my arm and chest along with tingling and numbness in my arms and I thought the same as you Mandy, but I've had it so many times now that I realize nothing bad is going to happen.

I hope you feel better soon. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

05-12-07, 09:31
What would I do without you all :hugs: I would describe myself as a strong person generally (ok and a bit thick well I am Irish lol) and I pride myself on being positive about my anxiety and the symptoms that go with it but I have never experienced this heart pain before in my 11 years with health anxiety and its made me realise that a helluva lot of people on this site are tormented day and daily with this symptom and my heart goes out to you all it truly does cos this is so bloody scarey. Thanks so much for your replies as they give me the reasurrance I need and maybe I will phone my doctor and put an appointment on and try and be brave and have the courage this time to go for the tests. Thanks lovely people your all fab :hugs: xxxxx

05-12-07, 10:01
Mand - Trac and I were discussing heart attacks last night on the agoraphobia thread, sometimes I get so busy having them that there is no time to have any of my other illnesses.:blush:

On the whole hun try to remember that scary thoughts lead to scary feelings :hugs: and that the doctor could nip your worries in the bud just like that (piglet clicks her fingers) if you asked!!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

05-12-07, 11:00
Hi Mandy, :hugs:

Those symptoms you describe can all be attributed to anxiety which wouldn't surprise me as you've had a lot of stress at work. Without realising it, the muscles in your chest and arm were probably tense while you were stressed and, now that they have relaxed, have started to ache.

The brain is a complicated organ and is sometimes too clever for its own good (yes even yours! :winks: ). We all know anxiety is about vicious circles and it is quite likely that because you worried it is a heart attack your mind created the symptoms to confirm it. It is like me telling you not to think about a pink giraffe... you already have after reading this! I've had periods when I've been physically sick but this isn't because I had a tummy bug or anything else, it was because my mind was worrying about being sick.

Just to reassure you, I have got the odd stabbing pain now and then for as long as I can remember. It's nothing to do with anxiety and I think everybody gets them. Whether it's trapped wind, heartburn or a sensitive nerve I don't know. What I do know though is that it's nothing to worry about. I'm pleased that you're considering seeing the doctor as I know you find that really difficult but I do think the reassurance would help you enormously.

Take care mucks,

Mike x :hugs:

05-12-07, 15:55
Oh Mandy :hugs: what are we like? Tis very strange you should post this at the moment, as i was saying i've never had dizziness till this week. Although we know how common they are as anx symptoms, if you've never experienced them before its well scarey.
Only time i get chest pain (should i really be saying this:wacko: - tempting fate here) is when i get ibs problems and it does feel like someones sat on my chest. My left arm goes numb from resting on it while im on the pc! So that sounds like a trapped nerve to me,
vicki xx

06-12-07, 01:36
hey mandyyyyyyyyyy sorry just got to this been wicked busy well i would suggest you move to america lol....no hun you been working stressed some and with panic attacks i always get heavy chest and numbness due to the panick you be ok hun have i ever lied to you love ya hun im here for ya..........love linda xxxxxxxx

06-12-07, 07:20
The weight on the chest feeling is def anxiety.
In your case I'd prescribe more alcohol!
Seriously though get it checked out as my son had a similar thing and it turned out to be an infection.

06-12-07, 11:50
Hi Mandy,

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time. Sounds like anxiety to me. I get those same things, not as much any more but before I go the all the time. Then add your ibs in there and you are in for a time.

If this doesn't improve I would get it check, but I don't think you have to worry about it.

Yes I have to agree with you this does suck.Remeber that you aren't alone.


07-12-07, 00:54
My GP said it would be unusual for anyone with anxiety NOT to have IBS
Phill :shades:

07-12-07, 01:09
Sounds like Anxiety to me, but the road to recovery starts after getting checked out with GP, the amount of symptoms i have had the last 2 or 3 months has been unbelievable.