View Full Version : Waking early

05-12-07, 09:52
Does anyone have trouble with waking up really early? I get about 6 hours then wake and cannot go back to sleep due to thoughts racing, worries, shaking etc. I woke at 4,3o this morning - not good

05-12-07, 09:59

i did exactly the same this morning well every morning really sleep is also a big problem for me at the moment


06-12-07, 21:21
Totally. Common with anxiety and nervousness. I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep and didn't wake up real early. Oh, wait, that was 2 days ago, because I hadn't slept at all the night before, lol.

When you wake up, just stay put and try to go back to sleep. If it doesn't work, try doing something really, really boring for about 30 minutes and then return to your bed. To divert bad thoughts sing songs in your head or count until you fall asleep. ^____^ Hope this helps.

23-12-07, 09:29
just happend to me again, second time this week, exact same thing =(

23-12-07, 12:43
Yes, this happens to me alot also. I get about 7 hours a night, and it doesn't matter what time I go to sleep I am still up early. Try to cut the caffeine out at night time.