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20-02-05, 18:59
I was fine!!!

i hate going to the dentist, i cant stand hearing or talking about it im that bad

well, my teeth are fine, im glad i dont have to go for another 6 months

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

20-02-05, 19:44
well done for getting through it

fan x

20-02-05, 19:47
nice one!
i also hate going to the dentist and recently had a really bad panic attack in there.
so well done for facing up to it and going.
take care
henri x

20-02-05, 19:57
Well done Jade!! :D

20-02-05, 20:07
I am going tomorrow for a check up.

I don't like it but I value my teeth more than the 15 minutes of anxiety so I keep going back every 6 months.

We like torture don't we lol!


20-02-05, 21:29
Well done Jade.

I don't like going to the dentist either and avoid it if possible.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-02-05, 09:02
Good for you Jade!

21-02-05, 11:47
Good on you Jade
I had to go last Friday while i was up in Lancs, had toothache since wednesday and turned into an abscess....and i sooooo have a phobia with dentists.

21-02-05, 11:54
Well done Scoot:D[^]

I have a really sensitive tooth at the moment and am dreading going to have it checked out :(

Love Jo xxx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

21-02-05, 12:06
Good On You Jade!


Take care,


21-02-05, 13:45
Well done Jade.

Good on you for getting it over and done with.

bet your pleased you dont have to go again for another 6 months!:D

Take care

21-02-05, 16:25
I am going to the denist today and am dreading it. I hate that feeling of being pinned down. I am just praying to God that I don't have a panic attack. Glad your visit went well.
Take care,[8D]


21-02-05, 19:45
I went today and had a check up and clean.

It was ok but he has you laying horizontally and I don't like that. They also didn't get the suction right so at one point I thought I was drowning and had a coughing fit lol.

The good news is that I don't have to go for another 9 months now so a result all round and my teeth are all nice and clean too!


21-02-05, 22:15
Well done Jade :)

I don't like the fact I'm lying down either, I feel really trapped. And the feeling of not being about to swallow...not nice.
I was supposed to go at the weekend but it was cancelled :D so I have another week to build up to it now, not sure if that's good or bad though!

Hellie x

22-02-05, 08:32
Hi Jade

Well Done !!

Great to hear about your detist success !!

Best wishes.

22-02-05, 16:34
Hi all,
well I made it through the dentist appointment with any panic. I did however take half of a xanax before I went. I just could feel that fluttery feeling coming on. I just wonder, will I always have to rely on a substance to get me through undesired circumstances?? If so, what a bummer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![xx(]


23-02-05, 20:31

wow great result with the posts, lol

i do hate laying horizontally, its feeling trapped!!!

nic: why 9 months, ur meant to go every 6 months, lucky you!!!

thanks for the posts, iv broken my finger so thats cheered me up (no i havent been in a snow ball fight, i was playing basket ball, he he he)

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

23-02-05, 21:31
Jade - he says that my teeth are fine and no need to see me for 9 months now - good result cos I hate going and it costs £15 each time.

Is it broken or bruised badly Jade?


24-02-05, 20:43

lucky you nic!!!

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

24-02-05, 21:58
Oh Jade

Did you have to go to hospital to get it x-rayed and strapped?

Poor you.


25-02-05, 19:46
got an xray, and strapped, i bashed my finger today when turning my front door key, why i used my right hand with the break i dont know but it really hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im om now, still hurts and it is still rather swolen, and blue, he he

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

25-02-05, 20:17
aaww scooter your accident prone lol

fan x

25-02-05, 23:23
boo hoo!!!

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

25-02-05, 23:34
Well done to all who have succeeded. I am a total wimp when it comes to dental appointments. I am dreading a toothache!

I cancelled my appointment when I went through a bad phase last year and still have to re-book.

I'm not in a fit state just now, but really must make this a priority when I have a few good days.

Anyway prepared to hold my hand?


26-02-05, 11:56
how are you managing at school with this break does it mean you get out of writing?

fan x

26-02-05, 14:09
clickaway: i have no where to run! mum takes me with my bro so im stuck! ill hold ur hadn next time u go to the dentist

fan: yes i do, lol, i use my enligh teachers laptop and in science we went to the computer rooms anyway. with maths, child development and citizenship i just sat there. gets boring thou

i wont be doing pe for 2 weeks, lol, im alergic to it now

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

26-02-05, 15:12
I hate the dentist i have a broken tooth and i have really bad toothace so bad that i cant eat on the right hand side of my mouth but i cant go to the dentist its not the dentsit that bothers me its knowing i will need a jag and i hate jags.

My teeth are in such a state they are breaking off and i know i have to go but i just cant force myself but i make sure my kids go and i feel so stupid as they are kids and i make them yet im 26 and i cant go,

26-02-05, 18:26

i get scared about my teeth e.g do i have a hole or am i getting an abses etc

go with your kids, theyll keep u company!

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

26-02-05, 18:36
hi taylor why not next time you take the kids explain to the dentist how you feel im sure he can do things to make you feel more comfortable ie; first you go and just sit in the chair, then you go he looks in your mouth etc just work up to it slowly im sure you will be fine
(i like going to the dentist...am i weird lol)

fan x

27-02-05, 11:14
the thing is i dont like my denist he has no symphanty for people like me he just tells u to get on with it.

I would go to another one but there is no other that is close to where i live and with 3 kids its hard to get one thats so far away.

27-02-05, 12:34
Sorry to hear about your break Scoot

Its so boring just sitting in class when you can't write anything isn't it? I broke my wrist in December and had the same problem and even though I could use the computer for assignments etc at home it took me about twice the time it usually would :D

Love Jo xx

"courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

27-02-05, 16:26
it isnt easy typing either!

taylor: my old dentist surgery would change dentists every so often, does yours?

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

10-03-05, 23:27
I also hate going to the dentist, but I always bring a CD player with some uplifting music to play during the treatments. One thing I found out through a discussion with my former dentist was that some of the numbing stuff they use (the injections) has a chemical in it that can cause more anxiety with heart palpitations, etc.. I now have them use a different kind with none of that in it. I think it;s epinephrine that causes those symptoms. It's worth asking about.

12-03-05, 20:24
i cant have injecttion, i faint!!!! another reason y i hate the dentists

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

Finally NOT SINGLE!!!!!!

12-03-05, 20:53
I dont have the injection - I have fillings without it. It hurts but soon goes!


12-03-05, 21:21
ill rather be KO!!!!!

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

Finally NOT SINGLE!!!!!!

12-03-05, 22:34
ooh jade does that mean you have a boyfriend...........hope you introduce him to us lol:D

fan x