View Full Version : headaches/migraine/anxiety

05-12-07, 17:17
hey everyone, i had the worst night last, i had a headache, i was feeling really anxious, i was also really dizzy, i could hardly walk. then at about 9:30 this morning i woke up with this awful migrain, it was so bad, i have never felt that kind of pain before so i took some tablets and when i woke later it wasn't as bad but i still have a headache, i'm starting to freak out that i have a brain tumour again, i have been here before and not that long ago. i just feel so crappy right now and i dont know what to do. could it all be anxiety?
Please reply
Luv Louise

05-12-07, 18:47
I have really bad headaches and migrane sometimes(suffered with them when I was younger). Get it more when I've had really bad tension or when feeling run down, which is when you would expect them anyway. Also my eyes can be quite sensitive to bright light, I usually then get a horrible zig zag vision and feel sick which is another type of migrane but goes after about 40mins. When you feel ill you'll find that anxiety creeps up more but is because your taking it to another level thinking there is something else wrong which then makes your headache or migrane worst. Best thing to do is concentrate on keeping tension levels down and relax when you can. Cold weather doesn't help either lol!:D

05-12-07, 18:50
louise have you been to the doctors about this-you have written a lot of posts about your headaches and fears-all of which i have read as i have had the same symptoms as you.

i posted last night as i went to the doctors about my head pains and its a form of neuralgia. its called "my brain tumor fear" if you want to read it. having seen the doc it has put my mind at rest.

tc xx

06-12-07, 23:00
i havn't been too the doctors about it as i'm scared, i did have an eye test quite a few weeks ago though as they can pick up on anything serious and it turned out i needed glasses so that put my mind at rest for a while and i was more relaxed especially when i got my glasses and they took effect. however lately i have been having a lot of intrusive thoughts which have been getting me down and the headaches have come back again.
Please reply
Luv Louise

07-12-07, 13:03
Try this link


10-12-07, 16:24
I too get headaches and migraines. The migraines are so painful you feel like your head is exploding from the inside out. :nonono:
I too was convinced I had something in my head too till I had an MRI and have seen a top London neurologist about it only recently. He said there was nothing in my head, and that people with headaches and migraines very commonly think this. He said every other person he sees are convinced they are dying or have a tumour.
I currently have started to take a pill called Epilim, which is for those with epilepsy really, but it is used in my case to prevent headache and migraine. Sadly for me for the first few weeks (I started last week) the doc said I would experience extra pain, and he was right. I am suffering now.
My migraines have made me so depressed. When I get a bad one I just wish I would die and I am so so down. Migraines are linked to a lack of seratonin, which is also linked to depression, it is seen more commonly in those of us who suffer anxiety and depression.
I would go to your doctor, let them scan you, then you know 100% there is nothing sinister in your head. You might need medication like me. But its a long road, and a very hard depressing one to recovery. But I believe I will get there.