View Full Version : headaches/migraine/anxiety

05-12-07, 17:20
hey everyone, i had the worst night last, i had a headache, i was feeling really anxious, i was also really dizzy, i could hardly walk. then at about 9:30 this morning i woke up with this awful migrain, it was so bad, i have never felt that kind of pain before so i took some tablets and when i woke later it wasn't as bad but i still have a headache, i'm starting to freak out that i have a brain tumour again, i have been here before and not that long ago. i just feel so crappy right now and i dont know what to do. could it all be anxiety?
Please reply
Luv Louise


05-12-07, 18:09
:hugs: sounds like migraine ass vertigo to me (MAV).

Hormones can cause this too.

hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

05-12-07, 18:51
Hi Louise, As a migraine sufferer myself it sounds like migraine to me. Have you been diagnosed with migraine? If not it might be worth a visit to your GP. There are all sorts of treaments available now.
Hope you feel better soon
Sue :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: