View Full Version : Lurch of panic on waking

05-12-07, 17:55
Can anyone help me with a current symptom which is really distressing? I wake up with palpitations, which come on spontaneously and instantly when I wake up, in the morning and even if I have an afternoon nap. The palpitations go on for about an hour in the morning and the feeling is really panicky and upsetting because you start the day feeling so nervous. I have recently been put on Sertraline - 2 weeks now - so am wondering if it's that, or just stress, or the menopause... And what can i do to stop it? Help!!

05-12-07, 18:26
Hi Janey,

If these symptoms started after you began your medication, then i think the chances are that it could be a side effect from them, but don't worry as most side effects subside after a few weeks, once the body becomes used to them. If they carry on after then and don't become less severe then i would go back to my GP if i was you and ask to be tried with a different medication.

Best of Luck