View Full Version : Salty Taste in Mouth

05-12-07, 18:40

As some of you know i went to the dentist yesterday about having a tooth out . The reason why i went was because i have this awful strong taste in my mouth of salt and the end of my tongue feels like its burning. It been awful the last few days and driving me mad and as been putting me off my food and drink as it seems to make the taste even worse.:ohmy:
Anyway, dentist said my teeth where ok couldnt find any infections anywhere that would cause this taste, and advised me to visit my GP. So today been to GP and he wasnt really helpful either only that it could be my sinusses thats blocked but after having a poke around etc he wasnt too sure.:weep: well he gave me a course of antibiotics and told me to go back if the taste carrys on.

As anybody else had this problem? its realy driving me nuts and seems to be getting worse rather than better:weep: .

Thankyou all in advance.

05-12-07, 18:51
last month my friend had this problem of a salty taste in the mouth and ended up having blood tests and had a high potassium level.
All she has to do it make sure she avoids eating too much potassium now.

she said she feels better for it.

hope this helps ?:hugs:

05-12-07, 20:15
Andrea hun I have no advice but I can give you a big hug so there :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

05-12-07, 21:24
You can have a hug from me as I know about salty mouths but mines from too many pringles.

I wonder what it is - is it deffo salty not metallic (Piglet says this knowledgably like she knows what she's talking about). It's obviously not something that worried either the dentist or the doctor though is it.

Hopefully it will go soon hun. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

06-12-07, 01:57
aww, have one of these mate...


:hugs: :hugs:

07-12-07, 21:48
Thanks Mirry, Mandy, Piglet and Ray.

I have had the most awful week with this salty taste and burning sensation in my mouth, yesterday i got blisters under my bottom lip and the tip of my tougue had like a cut at the end, it was so painful, i spent most of the evening sucking ice lollys to cool my mouth down.
What i did find out after speaking to a realitive whom had the same problem before was a defficiancy in Vitamin B12, when i googled this i found a syndrome called Burning tongue Syndrome, never heard of it before but was suprised to find the symptoms where just the same as mine!:) Also says people who suffer with anxiety/stress are known to get this and also pre menapausel women.:ohmy: It also states if you have this syndrome do not use mouth wash or toothpaste it will make the matter worse ! Well over the last week i have used nothing but mouthwashes and toothpaste which had obviously made the problem worse, so yesterday and today i have not used either(used bicarb soda for teeth cleaning) and my mouth as felt loads better.:)
You cant get vitamin b12 from a chemist only on prescription so im going to go back to docs Monday and ask for a blood test to see if this is whats caused it.:)

Thank folks for the replys:hugs:

07-12-07, 22:22
Hi Andrea,

i'm sure you can get vit b12 from holland & barrett. I take a vit b complex with b12 in it. I started taking it after 5 years of TMJ and read about it on the web. Hope it helps you as much as it did me

love anx xx

07-12-07, 22:35
Hi Anx

Thanks for that i just looked at there website and you can get them , i called at my local coop chemist today and it was her that told me you could only get it by prescription, silly women !!lol

Glad you told me Anx will get some tommo.


07-12-07, 22:59
also vit b's can make your wee go bright yellow...........so be warned :ohmy: :D

anx xx