View Full Version : Diagnosed with GAD

05-12-07, 22:02

I was just recently diagnosed with GAD. My doctor has me on 150 mg of Effexor XR daily and clonazapam when needed. I've been on the medication for about 3 weeks now, no better yet, but I heard it takes time. What made me go to the doctor was the fact that I couldn't stop worrying about things (something differant all of the time). Eventually I started having physical problems, sleeping a lot, always tired, I started trembling and shaking, unbelievable muscle tension, headaches, you name it. I was a mess and no one believed me! My wife and my family wouldn't listen to me or give me any advice. I eventually went to my doctor and he asked me a bunch of questions and sent me for blood work. Everything came back perfect. Right now in my life my wife is pregnant and is feeling sick all the time, my mother is terminally ill with cancer and I fear I'm losing my mind. My dad tells me to stop being selfish and put my wife and upcomming baby first. So I have been. I've been doing everything within my power to keep going. But it gets so tough. My wife keeps getting angry with me because of my anxiety. Life's just a mess. I don't know what to do. I'll keep on my medication and hope for the best. I've also decided to stop talking to my wife and family about how I'm feeling. Any advice?


05-12-07, 22:12
Hi Cory and welcome to nmp, you are amongst people here who understand how you are feeling. When your mood lifts your anxiety will decrease and maybe when you become a father all this anxiety will pass. Take care.

love Mags xxxx

05-12-07, 22:59
Hi Cory, welcome to NMP. Congratulations on the impending Fatherhood, you must be very excited. It sounds as though your wife needs your support but I think it would be a huge help if she could also support you and have some understanding of your condition before the baby arrives. You'll be better able to fulfill your role if you can relax in the knowledge that you are being understood , particularly your wife. Can you find a book to explain your condition and ask her to read it? Do you do any relaxation therapy for coping in the times when you feel most stressed? It's not uncommon for the ones we're closest to ,to become frustrated by our anxiety. You'll see lots of posts on here from people who fear they are losing their minds and having a crisis. Take a look at the links on the left and see what help there is. Good luck.

08-08-08, 22:12
sorry to hear you are having such a terrible time at the moment.I Too have gad and have been told by some people to stop being silly and to give myself a slap or that i am choosing to let myself get in a state and could stop it if i wanted to.i know how difficult it is to not be able to let your mind switch off.Take one day at a time and try not to be to hard on yourself.Am new to nmp and everyone here is really supportive, its good to talk to people who have some understanding of what your feeling.take care big hugs to you