View Full Version : Medicine for ectopics

loopy loo
06-12-07, 09:45
Could anyone tell me whether they have used beta blockers fo help with getting rid of ectopics? I get them all the time and they are spoiling my life. I was given quite a heavy dose of 80mg to get rid of them but they made me feel quite heavy in the chest and ill. My doctor has given me 40mg inderal but i am scared to take them.
I thought if i relaxed that the ectopics would go but they arn't and i'm so fed up with it all. I have had them more or less constantly for the last 7 months. People have been kind on here and tell me they will go and that they won't make me faint but when i went up the hospital the doctor told me i would have to take beta blockers for life and that it is possible i could faint if my blood pressure dropped too low when having ectopics. This has just frightened me even more. I have a fear of fainting and so this really is the worst anxiety related symptom i could get.
Please help. i feel so alone with all this and not even my doctor seems to want to help. I feel like a nuisance.

Loopy Loo:weep:

06-12-07, 11:37
Hey Its Matti. Am sad to hear you are still feeling so worried about your ectopics and fainting. Not sure if this will be of any comfort to you but my GP gets them. He has had them for years,(as have I) Im lucky I have a very understanding Doc who is only to happy to reassure me. Your Doc sounds like he doesn't so can you change Doctors?
Take care Matti

06-12-07, 18:08
my daughter, whos 19 has been fainting recently. the gp said he thought when her heart pumps it doesnt get enough blood into her system, causing her to pass out, she had an ecg which was referred to a specialist. now the hospital have rang and told her she needs to have a 48 hour monitor test. she is due to have the monitor attached this coming monday. although weve been told we shouldnt worry, you do.

07-12-07, 05:13
I had beta blockers for my blood pressure and it was supposed to help the anxiety symptoms too, but like you, I got side effects. It did hlep a bit, but I stopped taking them because of the side effects.It's a year now, and I still get ectopics, but now I've convinced myself they're harmless, I don't get them so often, or don't notice.
What a stupid doc telling you stuff like that, your own doc doesn't sound much better, they have no idea how upset people get by what they say. Is there another doc you can see who might be more sympathetic?
In the meantime, be assured that you are not alone, and we are all with you, if you haven't fainted yet, you are not likely to.