View Full Version : dizziness just too much to deal with

06-12-07, 11:11
Hi Guys ,

I know i go on about dizziness alot but its something thats just ruining my life. I get confused between anxiety dizzys and inner ear dizzys.

But my days are like this, I can get dizzy rolling over in bed , or looking up at the clock on the wall, walking down the street is a challange , I feel my head is too heavy and leaning to one side. I get jumping vision which makes me feel i am gonna fall. I have it all the time, no matter if i feel anxiety or not,
it really gets me down. I often check my breathing and make sure im not hyperventalting .

Yesturday when with friends , i found when I looked at one friend then moved my head to look at another friend , it made me feel like I was falling.
I get so scared to move , its horrible.

The hospital say I have MAV , migraine vertigo , but Im not so sure now cos I have it every single day !!!

sorry just wanted to have a rant.

06-12-07, 11:42
Hi Mirry,

I'm sorry you're feeling crappy right now. Have the hospital prescribed you with anything to try and help? I sometimes feel quite dizzy for no reason at all but then it just goes.

Take Care.

06-12-07, 12:12
I know how you feel. I suffer with severe dizziness due to my inner ear and that feels like the room is spinning, but just lately i've experienced the completely off-balance feeling which is just as awful, like i am swaying from side to side. I had to stand with my feet apart so i don't fall over.
Mine is definitely not hyperventalating - but i won't go to the doctors, no point.

Sometimes like you all i have to do is move my head very slightly and the room spins - its like being drunk. I don't drink specifically for that reason, i hate feeling dizzy.

I've mentioned before i take a medication called Stemetil. Takes about 1/2 - 1 hour to work, but then it kept me feeling okay(ish) for a couple of hours.


06-12-07, 13:42
bluebell do you have a diagnosis ?

I know what you mean about standing with legs apart because i do this and I also do it whilst walking :ohmy: . The hospital picked up on this and said i have a slight gait.
Its just people who i talk to, who have panic tell me they didnt get the dizzies or they only got them whilst panicking.

I am seeing the specialist again on monday , because I am getting BPPV sy,ptoms.

take care :hugs:

06-12-07, 14:39
I have a diagnoses as Ménière's disease. My mother has it too.


07-12-07, 07:55
sorry to read yo u have meniers bluebell, thats not a nice one to have :hugs: .

well last night , I went out in the dark and OMG I couldnt walk straight at all and kept loosing my balance severly, when i got home I burst out crying,
Its really getting me down so much. Yet part of me keeps thinking maybe it is anxiety but i get it even if i feel fine :shrug: .

I read walking in the dark is difficult for people with inner ear disorders , I cant imagine anxiety would cause this ???

just trying to make sence of it all , any help much appreciated.

07-12-07, 13:54
Hi Mirry,

i have so much sympathy for you :hugs: I have been feeling very dizzy since last sunday and i can't seem to shake it off. Its not a 'normal' anxiety symptom to me so i'm hoping its just a bug and will go.
My mum has suffered with un explained bouts of dizziness over the years but i've never really had it till now........its awful.
anx xx

07-12-07, 18:36
i suffer from bouts of vertigo and was diagnosed with benign positional vertigo (by the ent specialist) which is typical of the turning over in bed and having a really bad attack - there's a real difference between vertigo and dizziness.i saw a physiopherapist who did the epley manouvers on me which basically moves the calcium crystals in the ear canal into the right position. it's not very pleasant but it's the only thing that works for me. if you get the nauseus feeling when you get dizzy i recommend drinking ginger cordial it certainly helps me. for me the vertigo causes the anxiety not the other way round as it make
s me panicky about going out on my own in case i lose my balance and fall over.

hope this helps x

11-12-07, 18:05
Anxious , hope your feeling better now , has the dizzies gone now ?

Thanks for the reply Russel , I went to the ENT yesturday and got a BPPV diagnosis , the same as you . Its so interestingto read that you have the same symptoms as me , did the epley not help you ?

Thanks for the nausea tip , I will try that because today whilst out I felt nausea but put it down to anxiety.
Russel, do you get the feeling of the floor jumping sometimes ? or a falling feeling?

for me , I turn my head and then once ive turned my head I feel like my head is still turning inside my head , I get this most of the time and hate it.

Please let me know if you are taking meds for this problem cos id like to try something.

Bluebell , do you get the ringing in the ears with your problem ?

11-12-07, 20:26
Mirry you appear to be sufferring with the same problem as me. If I turn over in bed or try to lay down flat I have some really strange sensations, I think I have trained myself to lay in one position at night
in fear or these horrible dizzy feelings. I find it hard to walk along speaking with people for fear of having to move my head as I feel I am going to fall over and my balance is not always as good as it should be. I thought at first it was my ears but docs say nothing wrong and that it's my anxiety.

What you are describing is exactly what has been happening to me over the last four years.


11-12-07, 21:22
Carol , thats the same story i got told for years that its anxiety,

but the specialist told me that inner ear disorders cause anxiety because people loose confidence in their balance and dont know when vertigo will strike.

I would maybe get a second opinion if i were you , do you get a faliing sensation when laying down in bed ever ?

I find it really impossible to walk at night, I stagger like a drunk , its so scarey. :wacko:

I think alot of people on this site have an inner ear disorder but dont know it.:flowers:

12-12-07, 17:37
Hi Mirry,

i still having my dizziness :shrug: its not nice. I'm still hoping its a bug or something,

anx xx

12-12-07, 20:35
hi mirry

yes the epleys did help me its not pleasant but as vertigo so disabling its worth it. i do get funny sensations like i'm going to fall and the floor moving. i've been prescribed bethastine which i only use in an emergency. the physio also showed me some excercises that i suppose disensitise you to the dizziness. why don't you google epley manouvers and excercises for balance problems you might find this useful.

good luck

13-12-07, 07:34
anxious, Im sorry to hear you still have the dizzies , do you feel like you have got a virus now?

Russel , yesturday I just couldnt walk whilst out , felt so off balance all the time and slight nausea. When you had it , did you get nystugmus when they laid you down ?
Last night I was so bad my hubby filmed my eyes jumping side to side alot,
it felt like a pulse in my eyes , a pulling feeling .

But the off balance feeling gets me down, and Ive started thinking theres something seriousy wrong with me cos its that bad, my hubby is buying me a walking stick (one of those trendy hicking ones) to use when out but I think id be to shy to use it where i know people.


16-12-07, 14:36
When I had panic disorder I had this offsteady swaying feeling that would bother me a lot. Sometimes I thought I was on the verge of falling down! I attribute some of it to the sinus infection i had, but even when it was gone I still felt the swaying. It was the anxiety and is a well known symptom. However, see a doctor get his all clear that there is nothing physically wrong with you. Then learn to accept it, when it happens, let your body sway. Just don't be afraid of it, you won't fall! I know it's easy said then done, trust me, but it has cured me.

Of course I again I don't know your situation, get examined by a doctor, if they are perplexed or can't find anything talk to them about the anxiety. If they agree this is the cause, don't go out and grab onto things, get walking sticks, or anything else. Just accept it, let it happen, soon you'll see it happen and you will automatically think hey this is that crazy anxiety...then over time it never happens.