View Full Version : is this panic???

06-12-07, 14:21
Please can someone advise me.

I have just been out christmas shopping with my mum and it had been panic free. I was slightly anxious, but not as bad as I imagined I would have been.

I had done quite a bit of driving around and in and out of shops etc (for about 4 hours) and I was just driving us home when BAM!!!

I got a really strange taste in my mouth and my face went really hot. I was convinced that I was going to die at the wheel of the car from a brain haemorrage/stroke as I also got a massive pressure feeling in my head. My hands started to shake really bad and I could also feel my legs shaking too.

I had visions of me collapsing at the wheel and wondering what my mum would do and that I didnt want to die.

My vision didnt change - but I felt very unreal and confused.

I had another 20 minutes to drive home and my heart was pounding in my chest.

I somehow managed to drop my mum off and get home - but now feel like s**t. I really dont know what to do. I so want to ring my doctor just to get myself checked out.

Do you think it was just a really bad panic attack or could it be something more sinister???

I have to pick my daughter up from school at 3 and am dreading leaving the house.

06-12-07, 15:01
Ann , that sounds just like a panic attack to me hun,

were you thinking about it , without realising it ?

cos that can cause it.

06-12-07, 15:19
Hi Ann

Personally I would say a panic attack.
Sometimes when we push ourselves into stressful situations like xmas shopping, we are using all our coping methods without really realising it, and its not until afterwards that BAM it can hit us. This is called delayed panic. I get this a lot.
Maybe you were tensed up without realising it, you said you were slightly anxious but not as bad as you expected to be, so anxious thoughts were alreasy running through your mind, you have been using your energy to walk around shops and control the nerves, but once you had done it and coming back home, then thats when reality hit you.

Maybe next time, do it in smaller stages, like maybe just for an hour or so.

Lets get it into perspective too hunni (im cringeing at myself for saying that cos Im the worlds worst at over exaggerating and thinking the worse!!) but if there was anything more sinister then would you have been able to come on the pc and write a detailed report of what happened and also challenge your throughts.

Go back into the car at get your daughter, relax your shoulders and practise some breathing exercises. Let us know how you get on

Luv Darkangel x:flowers:

06-12-07, 15:22
Hi Ann, I agree with Mirry just panic ,did you do some deep breathing, and remember nothing bad happened and you made it home so remember that and take heart from it:yesyes:

06-12-07, 15:39
Thanks everyone for your replies.

I have picked up my daughter from school and dont feel as bad now. Still slightly shaky but not half as bad as how I was feeling before.

I guess I did do too much.

The feelings were alot stronger than they normally are - and I just thought 'this is it this time'. I could picture the whole horrid scene of me dying there and then. This has obviously made me feel worse and worse.

I can look back now - but at the time it is so hard and scary. I cannot relax or control my breathing when it hits me.

I am currently doing CBT but am finding it so hard to just accept that these feelings are anxiety/panic. My doctor doesnt seem interested.

Thanks once again for your help. I seem to be relying on everyone on here more and more - I really do appreciate it.:hugs:

06-12-07, 15:57
Ann, Im glad you feeling a little bit better, and you done the right thing by getting back in the car ----well done :flowers: .

Im feeling rough just now too and having to rely on my CBT but those thoughts do creep in and have us thinking dont they.

HAve a nice relaxing evening

Darkangel x

06-12-07, 16:14
Thanks Darkangel.

You have a great evening too.

Take care x

celia davies
06-12-07, 19:06
yes id say a panic attack,try not 2 let this put u of driving! an go the doctors if u am concerned
celia xx

07-12-07, 19:10
Thanks everyone for your replies.:yesyes:

I got back in my car today - not going to let this get me down. Felt very anxious - but nowhere near as bad as yesterday.

Thanks once again for your help and advice - really do appreciate it.:hugs: