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07-12-07, 01:18
sorry ive been posting a bit lately...bad GAD...

just wanted to ask ibs ppl, do you ever feel sick when or after you eat?
i get it a lot, and have read its an ibs thing, but still worry about it....im ibs D not C (sorry tmi i know i know!! not something i really want ppl to know about me, but...)

anyone else?

i hate it, stops me from enjoying meals out...or is that GAD?...lol...cant even tell anymore..

07-12-07, 01:22
Hi Peach,
I have IBS and feel fine after eating.
Maybe it's the anx
Phill :shades:

07-12-07, 15:20

I have IBS(well IBS and awaiting further tests)and sometimes feel sick after eating

Usually when Im very tired and stressed out though
H x

08-12-07, 13:43

I was just logging on today to post about the same thing. Over the past few weeks I start to feel a little sick after eating and even a weird kinda headache. I have no idea what it is but it has started making me worry every time I get hungry so its a catch 22 LOL.


09-12-07, 12:05
Nausea is my main symptom of IBS apart from the obvious,LOL

Have you tried COLEFLAC?? A peppermint over the counter remedy, all natual, the only thing that worked for me!!

09-12-07, 18:30
It doesn't necesarilly have to be IBS. Nausea is a common symptom of anxiety and I could rarely eat a large meal when I had it bad. Each morning it would take me hours just to finish a glass of water.

IBS is more likely to cause stomach cramps than nausea.

09-12-07, 21:26
Sorry to hear you have ibs too. I'm in the same boat as you, as soon as ive finished eating a meal i feel bloated + sickly. I find im better if i just have a small amount...you know little but often rather than sit and face a plate full.
I often feel anxious near meal times and my stomach churns, so by the time ive finished eating the nausea's doubled.
Those nice fruity flavoured 'Tums' you can get from your chemist help settle my stomach.
Hope you feel better soon.
