View Full Version : Sigh - Feeling Very Run Down

07-12-07, 11:12
Just a winge really as I am feeling low. I have had such a terrible year. Since March of this year I have had Anaemia, which turned chronic, development of panic attacks, GAD depression and HAD, then a complex gynae operation (sorry guys if tmi). Then one month ago a miscarriage. Last week I developed Seborrheic dermatitis which I have never had before which drove me mad and now I have a really bad cold (it was 4:10 am this morning when I last looked at the clock). The panic attacks and GAD have lessened but not gone away and I feel so run down and lethargic. I have booked some more CBT next week (privately which cost a fortune which we cannot really afford but I am desperate). My therapist spoke to me on the phone and thinks I am still depressed and may need some additional help in conjunction with CBT. My doctor has refused to give me medication so I have booked up next week to see the relief doctor as my own is on hols. Do you think I am doing the right thing? Oh and I have put on 2 stone in weight coz I am comfort eating and cannot be bothered to cook any proper food which is making me feel even worse.

07-12-07, 11:29
Sorry to hear you're not doing so good Allye :hugs:

Its understandable given what's been happening this year that everything has gotten on top of you. When we have so many things going on externally as well as within ourseles, something has to give. We can't tackle all that on our own.

Has your doctor given a reason why he wont give you meds? They may help to settle your mind and enable you to think a little clearer.

Is there no way you can get CBT for free? Its a shame you have to pay for it but if its helping you then that's something.


07-12-07, 13:05
The problem with my doctor is two fold – firstly she does not believe in meds unless absolutely necessary – she always recommends alternative remedies (I think she is overly budget conscious). Secondly I have private medical insurance so her answer is always to “refer” me privately. She wanted to refer me to the Priory but I have a hefty excess on my private medical for that plus it is a good distance from me and I did not feel up to travelling all that way. The NHS list is 8 months but she would not refer me because of the private insurance so we opted to pay privately locally. Works out to about the same when you add up travel costs. I think I need to swap doctors.

Anyway cheers – I think this cold has just finished me off.

07-12-07, 13:57
Maybe you should try and see another Dr...is that possible? Nothing wrong with you wanting a second opinion.

Take care hun xxx

07-12-07, 15:05

I'm not surprised that you are feeling so low at the moment, you have had some time of it recently. Your doctor refused to give you medication!? how very ridiculous. Yup if i was you i certainly would see this other doctor. There is nothing wrong with being on medication for this and if you feel it will benefit you then i think the doctor made a wrong decission.

good luck hun and i really do hope you start to feel better soon

Love Lisa

07-12-07, 18:08

You have had a dreadful time of it.

Please change your doctor, how disgusting just because you have private health care to go on the way she is. It's ridiculous, it's your right to have NHS care. I dread to think how much you must be paying for the CBT.

Change the doctor or see another in the practise. I think you need meds and you must have them. I am sure an antidepressant would help you a lot.

Please keep us updated.