View Full Version : Which book?

07-12-07, 15:19
I've been taking a look at self-help books as I want to get one or two. I know Claire Weekes comes highly recomended and she must be popular as some of her publications are 30 or so years old! Trouble is I don't know which one to start with and would welcome suggestions. I need help with general anxiety , panic and phobia and I'd like it to be simple, straightforward, not hard cos I can't get my brain round stuff when I'm all twitchy. Thanks. Sagey.

07-12-07, 15:40
I purchased Claire Weekes – Self Help For Your Nerves. It is excellent, simple to read, easy to understand, it is just like she is sitting next to you. I have looked at others but none measure but to this. Do not be put off by the title – it is for anyone who has symptoms of anxiety GAD or suffers panic attacks.

07-12-07, 16:46
I agree, Claire Weekes books are really good. I think she had about 5 published, not sure they are all still available, but quite honestly they all do tend to overlap somewhat so it wouldn't really matter which one you got.

If you have trouble concentrating and are looking for a book that is easy to read then you can't beat Claire Weekes.

You can also buy audio cassettes and CD's with her work on it. They are great if you are on the move or just want something to listen to while you are doing your housework or something.

07-12-07, 16:51
Thank you Allye and Lyn. I've now put Self Help for Your Nerves on my list.

07-12-07, 17:00
I have to say that over the years I have spent pounds on books and various programes to try and overcome this anxiety and nothing worked, until I read Claire Weeks Self Help for your Nerves and I have to say this book is changing my whole approach to anxiety and I am so pleased to have discovered it. I have nothing but praise for this lady and will always be grateful to her for putting me back on the road to recovery when all else failed.

Hope you find her books as helpful as I do.


07-12-07, 20:09
Thank you Carol. This sounds good to me .

08-12-07, 14:33
Self Help for your Nerves would be a good start, definately.

I was a little put off by the age of the books when I bought them, but really, what's changed in the world of anxiety? They're pretty much bang up to date, with some of the most helpful advice you'll find.

A real easy book is Feel the Fear and do it Anyway. It's not geared towards anxiety but more life in general, and it's a good motivator if anything.

08-12-07, 20:14
Thanks Mico, I too had wondered about the age of the publications and thought it might be outdated but I will give Claire a go.

08-12-07, 21:39
Claire Weekes' books are brilliant - no anxiety sufferer should be without at least one. Her books refer to our condition as "Nervous illness" which is what it used to be known as of course. Claire leaves no stone unturned and every symptom you have ever felt she knows about and tells you how to deal with.

The author I like is Reid Wilson - an American psychiatrist. He writes along the same lines as Claire Weeks about facing panic - takes you through certain techniques - very good reading. Have a look at Anxiety Disorders Association of America - you will see his books on there.

08-12-07, 22:47
Thank you Yvonne