View Full Version : Is this really Anxiety?

07-12-07, 18:30
I just cant believe the symptoms i'm getting are Anxiety! they are getting too bad and different everyday.
At the moment i think i have depersonalisation, i am light headed, feeling like i'm drugged up, nausea, tightness across forehead with a headache, when i stand up i just feel like i want to sit down again, i had the biggest Panic Attack on wednesday night it just would not stop so my wife rang for an ambulance and i ended up in casualty.
I got an ECG done which reasured me for a bit, and now i am feeling lke this.
Can anybody relate to these symptoms?
I just feel like i'm fading away, and i cant stop it. Help

07-12-07, 18:57
I can totally relate to you. I have having a bit problem at the moment with dizziness which is making me feel nauseous and a tight pressure feeling in my head.

I had a really bad panic attack yesterday whilst in the car and was convinced I was going to die. I have not had a bad one like that in ages. Now I am very on edge - kind of waiting for it again. Everything feels totally surreal - and it is very scary.

Take care x

07-12-07, 19:01
Thanks Ann, you are right it is very scary and you do think that you are going to die! i forgot to mention i also have blurred vision which i havn't had before and it's freaking me out!

07-12-07, 19:04
I also get the blurred vision. It comes when the tightness in my head starts. This totally freaks me out and makes me more anxious and then the symptoms get worse and worse and the cycle goes on and on.

Did A & E tell you it was anxiety?

07-12-07, 19:18
Even the Ambulance men said it was Anxiety and they said do you still want to get checked out at the hospital, so i said yes and when i got there they said the same thing before they looked at me, then they checked my B.P. and gave me an E.C.G., then a doctor came to see me eventually and asked me a few questions, prodded me in various areas and said Panic Attacks are caused by a hormone in the body, then he gave me some diazepam and told me to go to my G.P. and ask to see a specialist.

07-12-07, 19:19
Hi there!

Yup depersonalisation is the absolute pitts. Not only do we get the pysical syptoms of it but not being able to think straight and put everything into perspective makes it 10 times worse. I really do hope that things improve for you soon.


07-12-07, 19:27
Hi there, Have you ever been on a stress management course? My GP sent me on one run by the local mental health team. It was brill, everyone else on the couse was just as stressed as me. And they taught us about the flight or fight response to stress which causes so many different symptoms. I think the hormone mentioned is probably adrenaline.

If your GP can't help I think Mind sometimes do similar things. I think meeting other people like me was as good as the things we learned. Lots of luck,


07-12-07, 19:55
Wdwfan, how long have you been suffering? It could be that as you get more used to your symptons you'll relax about it and be able to tell yourself "it's just anxiety, it's only a feeling" and you can work on relaxation and see if there's anything in your lifestyle you'd like to change to help you get through this. I think it's a good thing you got checked out as it has reassured you that your body is OK. and you can begin to relax.

07-12-07, 21:12
Thanks everybody
I have been to Anxiety Seminars, and i go to see a mental health worker once a week and he said i might have to see a phsyciatrist!
It just seems that when ive mastered one symptom then another one comes along, and more so when you start to feel better and relaxed! it's like a demon inside of you!
I have been suffering really bad for the last 2 months but its been building up all year. And ive been an anxious person all my life.