View Full Version : Thought I was getting better, now I have just found a lump in m neck on the jaw bone

07-12-07, 20:14
For the last few months I have been taking meds and started to feel better.

Then Today I noticed a lump, its about the size of the 20p piece and its on the left hand side right where the jaw ends. It doesn't hurt and moves about a bit when i touch it.

If its still there on Monday I will go to the doctors, but if anyone has any advice comments to help me get through this long weekend then please help.


07-12-07, 20:40
Hi, this sounds like a gland or lymph node, have you had a cold latetly as this can bring them up.Also stress can make them come up as well ,my daughter has them,it is always good to get it checked out though it will put your mind at rest, also do not google the symtems you'll only think you have something bad.let me know haow it goes.
Take care:hugs:

07-12-07, 20:57
I have this, a lump that can move and about the same size, my dentist saw it on an x-ray, apparently she described it as like grissle, nothing to worry about just maybe scarring from something I had done a long time ago.

I know it freaked me out when I first felt it.

Get it checked to put your mind at rest


08-12-07, 06:09
thanks for your replies. I do actually have a blocked nose and cold feeling at the moment, they both sort of came at the same time (or I noticed it around the same time)

I woke this morning and the first thing I did was feel it, and I couldn't feel it, I was happy, when when I sat up there it was back again, I have noticed that in certain positions I can feel it, some I cant and some make it feel smaller. If still there Monday I will definately get it checked out.

I only googled to try and put my mind at rest, but I guess I didn't stop until the C word came up and I freaked out, must remember to NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS.

I definately feel the pills are helping me, I its n my mind a lot of the time, rather than constantly like a few months ago. xx

08-12-07, 06:21
Got to agree with Lesley on this one. You have a gland either side of your jaw that can become inflamed for many reasons. If it doesn't settle down by Monday, see your doc.

Most likely a short course of anti bios will help. At least you'll put your mind to rest.

Best wishes ........... Krakers.

08-12-07, 09:25
thanks all

I love this site when i can ask questions without being told i am nuts, and sympathetic replies. Makes me feel better.

08-12-07, 22:20
You should'nt worry about this, I got tonsilitus a year ago and it made the glands in my neck swell up to about 2 inches long and in inch wide.. very uncomfortable but nothing to worry about :)

13-12-07, 19:38
hi, I did get it checked out, the doctor looked and asked some questions and said that she thinks its a lymph node that has swollen up with a cold, she says it should go shortly, but could take up to 6 weeks, if its not gone after xmas come back and she will do more tests. This did actually put my mind at rest, but it has got bigger. I do worry about keep going back, and don't know whether to get another appointment because its grown or give it a week to see if it goes down. Either way I feel as though I am unravelling

13-12-07, 20:03
Hi Mev

Glad to hear you are feeling a little more realxed about the sittuation, I have had a bad throat for weeks now,it goes then before i know its back again:ohmy: dont you just hate the winter months:ohmy: . I will be glad when it starts getting warmer!

Im sure my Gp will be putting me on his xmas card list, i bet i see him more than he does his family...lol

Take care and hope you are feeling much better soon


13-12-07, 20:18
it will get the bigger the more you fiddle with it! i had this a few years ago and was freaked out but its just a gland. i also have one under my chin that i can feel at times - my glands in my armpit also get swollen/sore at times - usually when i am run down. xx

14-12-07, 17:42
thanks all, i wish i could stop touching and feeling it, although today it does feel as though its smaller, so hopefully its on the way down.

14-12-07, 19:22
this is my first post on the forum so please go easy if i get it wrong.
i have been suffering this very same thing for just over a month now.have been told its a lymph node and it would go down.but i too have got myself into such a state over this.
my doctor referred me to the hospital and yesterday i had a biopsy done on the lump.i now have to wait a week for results.i had to push for further tests,but at least i know i will know 100% but knowing my anxiety i still wont believe them.